04-23-2013 10:38 AM
04-28-2013 10:01 PM
"Airhogg" wrote:
Hi OmniAtlas,
I'm on Avsim rarely...usually mycockpit.org. I've discontinued using FSX since there is no further development on it. I'm currently waiting on Lockheed Martin's Prepar3d 2.0 update which will blow away FSX. This is suppossedly going to fix the 3d lighting issues that FSX had (like runway and taxi lights not being rendered in 3d) and also utilize GPU power vs being so CPU dependent...like FSX was. I've also read somewhere a rumor that LM is considering adding Rift support. However, NTHUSIM has announced software (NTHUSIM HMD) that they are working on that will be a conduit for a large number of titles for Rift compatibility and will include support for Rift's head tracking. This would solve your FSX issue, but you'll still have 2d lighting problems. I'm not sure if PMDG has Prepar3d support, but I would think that it's just a matter of time if not. Prepar3d is most likely the future for FSX users. There are also quite a few old FSX add-ons that are natively compatible with Prepar3d.
As a side note, you might take a look at outerra.com. They have announced that they're also working on Rift compatibility. They have a beta that you can download that offers a C172 and an Apache gunship that looks to be very promising.
One of the designs I used in my cockpit was a curved mirror (like a half dome secuity mirror) with a projector that illuminated inside a frost painted acrylic canopy. This thing in 3d was amazing, but the image was pretty blurry on the sides (even using warping software), but for peripheral vision it was fair enough. Also, the projector was 1280x800 in 3d and since it was projected off of a mirror, there was big "screen door" effect there as well. The mind blowing thing was how by altering the convergence, the 3d effect made the canopy in the simulator "merge" with the acrylic canopy in my cockpit. The interior of the aircraft in the game "wrapped" around me and offered a very believeable experience. My curse is that I've had a hard time being satisfied with everything I've tried. I want it to be as perfect and believeable as possible, so screen door and low resolution will kill it for me. The Rift offers a very similar experience to what I've tried so I think the potential is finally here. I know it's in the early stages, but for me to be satisfied, I'd have to have higher resolution (1080p won't be enough if I can't read the instrument panel), and further FOV to get rid of the "hoodie" effect...if possible. Maybe an OLED wrap around screen in time will do the trick. I'm just glad to finally see a real direction towards a truly immersive experience that can be marketed for home users. Not everyone can build a cockpit in their attic! I love the feedback I'm hearing on this helicopter demo. It has given the best demonstration of what VR flight can be. The Rift might actually revive this genre.
04-28-2013 11:01 PM
04-29-2013 12:31 AM
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