Looking for some new/old content to play around with in VR I dug up my old version of Tridef to see if I could load up some oldies in 3d on my Rift with some pretty good results.
First game I tried was Skyrim as Tridef reportatly has good compatability. Got it up and running on my desktop in sbs 3D without any complications. Now how to get it to the rift in 3D ? I know Virtual Desktop can do this but since I do not own a copy at this time that was not an option. So a loaded up the new beta version of Bigscreen vr went to the beta options selected the new sbs mode alt+tabed back into skyrim that was running in sbs on my desktop put on my Rift and poof full 3d Skyrim 🙂
Now this in not true vr as there is no head tracking and your not fully surrounded in the game world (360 degrees) but the 3D is almost perfect. I found this way of playing better then Vorpx. In Vorpx menu huds and cross hairs didnt display well plus the 3d seemed abit off also the motion sickness was horrible even for me who is not prone to it. This way its like playing a 3d game on a huge screen infront of you wich seems to cancle out any motion sickness. but there are a few tricks I discovered to add to the emmersion. In Bigscreen I set the background to Nebula I aslo set the screen to size to full and then adjust the distance so if im looking stright ahead the boarders of the screen are just outside my field of view. This gives you a kind of fake head tracking as you have to phisicaly move your head to see all four corners of the screen but you still use your controller for camera movements. Kinda like a first person Luckys Tale/Chronos/Edge of Nowhere. This is taxing on your PC as your running Oculus home for the Oculus to work, Steam vr for Bigscreen to work, The Bigscreen app, Tridef for the 3D and of chorse Skyrim or whatever game your playing.
Im running a 4790k I7, 16 gigs of ram and a gtx 970 and got it to run silky smooth at the lowest graphics settings while still maintaining 1080p 60 fps. I know this is not ideal but It still looks incredible and imo still looks better then any VR content that is out today. Also I found that turning down the camera sensitivity in the game options helped with whatever minor motion sickness was still lingering if any. If you have a stronger rig you can unlock Skyrims fps wich should make it even better. Just for fun I put it on ultra and wow did it look amazing but was obviously unplayable for my rig. This is the first VR experiance that made me feel like I need to upgrade my prossesor/video card.