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Honored Guest
why hasn't anyone posted anything about this yet? Has anyone tried it?
122 REPLIES 122

"gabbagod" wrote:
"ganjaroach" wrote:
Also what about saints row 4

I thought this was working? I have seen this with the 1st person mod on Youtube.

it works just no stereo 3d or not for me at least.

Honored Guest
One of the games I'm most excited about on this list is Myst V: End of Ages.

Has anyone tried it out? The Myst series seemed perfect for the Rift.

If you are excited about myst, have you seen Obduction? Same people that made myst!

Honored Guest
My experience with vorpx has been nothing short of AMAZING! simply incredible to play AAA titles in the rift. So far my best experience are:

Crysis 3 five stars! setup the FOV file first and you are in for a beautiful adventure:) Also deathmatches are so amazing!

METRO 2033 great! Again setup the FOV first otherwise it will be like playing while wearing binoculars:P

ARMA 3 Wow! the scale in the maps is awesome. After playing for a couple hours it just feels like I am really on a mission.

Aliens Colonial Marines Pretty great. this game is not the most amazing but the experience on the rift is crazy since it supports 3D geometry mode, very impressive.

Borderlands 2 Not my type game but the experience is awesome. This game supports 3D geometry and is beautiful to play.

Battlefield 4 Have not gotten this to startup vorpx yet but I am looking forward to it:)

Bioshock Infinite After getting the FOV right this game is amazing. The sound and art style is so profound.

Evochron Could not get into this one. I really wanted to, but the menus are just to much for the rift and the 3D is not supported so it just kind of teases you.

Alien Rage is pretty great actually. Kind of a silly game but with the rift can be pretty entertaining:)

Burnout Paradise: Great game for vorpx and the rift. totally puts you on the edge of your seat. tried to get this to work with Tridef but had no luck.

Just so you know I have had my rift for almost 8 months now so I think I am more VR acclimated than most. If really takes time to get used to but when you is all you want to do. I can't even play games with out it. it's just not the same. If I play a AAA title with vorpx, even with issues it is better than anything else. The difference between just playing a game and having an unforgettable experience because of a game that I played. So I know there are a lot of bad issues in vorpx and vr but in my experience, if you stick it out and keep hacking it is well worth it in the end. I for one and very happy with the driver and want to say thanks to Ralf for even making the effort to make this product available. Best $40 i have spent:)

Also I bought TRIDEF as well. so far I don't have any Dx9 games I want to play, So I don't know how that experience is.

Hey ralfal do you know if vorpx has been white listed for Team fortress 2? I would rather use vorpx then the native support since they refuse to add a aim mode that just emulates mouse movements with out removing vertical movement of the mouse.

Honored Guest
"ganjaroach" wrote:
If you are excited about myst, have you seen Obduction? Same people that made myst!

Yeah! In fact Obduction is the reason I started looking into the Rift again and is one of the reasons I'm getting one - hearing that VorpX supports Myst V is awesome though, because Cyan experiences seem just made for something like this.

"natalievfx" wrote:
My experience with vorpx has been nothing short of AMAZING!

Its good to hear VORPX is working out for some people. Ralf got quite a bashing on another thread, so much so, I got Tridef instead. TRidef is great, but in fairness I have had equal amount of issues trying to get games playable with Tridef.

I think its down to so many factors, graphics cards, monitor set ups etc. Its fun to keep trying though and when VR does work, its a fantastic experience.

I know what you are saying about not wanting to play games on a normal monitor anymore. Oddly I have also noticed although I now have my VR legs if I play FP games on a normal monitor I start to feel sick.

I just purchased VorpX so hope will be taking it for a spin over the next few days. I'm on a Macbook pro ( BootCamp Win7)
So sure hope it runs ok.... I've got my Rift + Steam games such as Doom Bfg, Arma3, Oblivion, Portal2.

We shall see how things go....

p.s - not so sure about the lengthy download & registration process... sorta sux balls big time 😞

Just finished BF3 campaign wearing Oculus and... woowww! VorpX worked really well. Just minor glitches here and there. The picture IMHO was lacking a bit of depth comparing to native apps, but still. Steering needed getting used to but no motion sickness at all for me. It is worth noting that I played on Asus N53 laptop (Core I5, 4GB RAM, GF GT550M) so i was probably getting less than 30FPS. Overall, 9/10.

Honored Guest
Has anyone figured out arma 3 properly with vorpx? I'm trying various fov settings and can't get it working perfectly, it's barely passable with zoom at 90, vignette at 120, and horizontal fov of 88 using the arma fov changer utiliy... almost had it once but no dice, it's not quite right.