VR homage to the classic arcade game Battlezone. This first release version contains the basic gameplay. Future updates will add extra features and enhanced content. Setup Instructions Windows Oculus Rift Unzip to desired directory and run "VR Battletank 1.0.exe".
Android Google Cardboard Install "VR Battletank 1.0.apk" file and run the VR Battletank app. Minimum Requirements Windows Oculus Rift This is built with Oculus runtime 0.8. As I understand it, you need at least Oculus runtime version 0.7.
Windows 7
Xbox360 or Ouya gamepad
Other minimum requirements for Oculus Rift. The actual game has pretty low requirements. If you can run other Oculus software, then this should run well.
Android Google Cardboard I'm not sure what the minimum requirements are. Android 4.1? I can play it on a Nexus 4, so it probably runs on anything less than 3 years old. Playing Instructions Navigate a desolate wasteland and shoot enemy tanks and missiles before they shoot you.
You start with 5 tanks and earn an extra tank at 15,000 and 100,000 points.
You can freely look around, but the tank has a maximum turn speed. Firing and movement are in the direction of the reticle.
Windows Oculus Rift The game supports the Xbox360 and Ouya controllers. Other controllers may work, but the buttons have not been mapped in this version.
Head Tracking - Look Around Left Thumbstick Up/Down - Left Track Forward/Backward Right Thumbstick Up/Down - Right Track Forward/Backward A Button - Fire Start Button - Pause Back Button - Recenter Camera
Android Google Cardboard Supports Ouya controller with above controls. Also supports single button input for trigger use. Head Tracking - Look Around Tilt Viewer Left/Right - Turn Left/Right Tile Viewer Forward/Backward - Move Forward/Backward Trigger - Fire Tilt Viewer 90° Clockwise - Pause Input Controls Gamepad, Other Legal Information (C)2016 Out Of My Mind LLC Credits Everything: David Merrill