11-30-2014 05:58 PM
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\ ===== VIRTUAL BARD V0.0.1===== \
\ \
\ 1. Experience is best played **sat on the floor** \
\ and **with headphones on** \
\ \
\ 2. Execute: \
\ [current folder]\SideScroller\Binaries\Win64\SideScroller.exe \
\ \
\ 3. Avoid pressing ENTER key until you are ready to start \
\ \
__\ www.virtualbard.com \
/ )_\ Let me know what you think: oculushut@gmail.com \
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\ ===== CREDITS===== \
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\ UE4 Monkey and this awesome ASCII art: Me \
\ \
\ Art Stuff: Gianna Kaye (http://www.artstation.com/artist/Gianna-Kaye) \
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/ )_\ Intro Music: “Beethoven - Bagatelle op.119 nº9” (tapped out on iPad by Gianna Kaye) \
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