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[WIP] Inversion Project

Honored Guest
Inversion Project is a totally wireless technology that allows you to move, jump, crouch and shoot in 360 degrees with a Rift strapped to your head. You become the controller. When you move in the world, you move in the game, where you point your gun and shoot, maps to the game.

This is just an early preview of the system, it's far from complete. The in game footage was recorded from the server running the game in real time. It has been designed from the start with multi-player in mind. I've just received my second rift, so hopefully a demo of that isn't far away.

And just a heads up, we are currently testing the system with a basic zombie shooter. Contains animated violence.

Pistol Testing

Fire away with any questions or comments.
Scott Vandonkelaar Zero Latency - Inversion VR

Honored Guest
This looks nice.

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This is awesome. So you convert the rift to be fully wireless? Any latency?

The rift is begging to be wireless, so I fully support this.

Honored Guest
Unfortunately not a wireless rift, yet. We've built a custom mini gaming rig and that's what the backpack looking device is. We opted not to use a laptop to make it cheaper and more powerful.
Scott Vandonkelaar Zero Latency - Inversion VR

Honored Guest
Wow, this game looks amazing. It uses the psmove right? Also, what are the power demands on the mini gaming rig, and what are you using to power it?

Riftmax Theater 4D Multiplayer VR Cinema! - Latest DK2-ready version 0.415(11/27/2014)

Honored Guest
It doesn't use the PS Move hardware, but the approach is quite similar. The gaming rig is powered by a 5000mAh Lipo battery at the moment, which gives us 45mins+ of game time. The power supply is 250W, which is being fairly well utilised.
Scott Vandonkelaar Zero Latency - Inversion VR

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awesome setup. i can't wait to have a wireless configuration and not have to worry about ripping the cords out of my pc, damaging the rift control box (or cable) or getting tangled up and injuring myself or others. 😄

Honored Guest
We have managed to condense the required electronics to the point where we can easily mount it in a pistol model. We can actually go much smaller then that, it's just the next thing we wanted to build. Most of the space in the pistol is actually dedicated to the force feedback system so you get a nice big kick with every shot.

The video below is from some testing performed earlier this week.

Scott Vandonkelaar Zero Latency - Inversion VR