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Which VR game did you give up on entirely?

In contrast to my thread asking which VR game you chose to beat:

I'm curious about which titles, if any, the community has pretty much abandoned. Whether due to a complete disappointment in the purchase, or simply due to physical restraints (e.g., excessive motion sickness).

I have 2 games that are pretty much on my Abandonware list:

1) The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
I really wanted to love this game because I absolutely enjoy the puzzle/adventure genre. Hell the first RPG Mod I ever built was a re-invention of the puzzle game, Myst (by Cyan). So when I bought Ethan Carter I was overly excited to experience this thrilling genre in VR. Unfortunately, despite being able to play almost every other major VR title for hours on end, I simply cannot stomach Ethan Carter. The camera is just brutal to the eyes and mind. Ethan Carter is the metaphorical equivalent of trying to write a research paper while periodically putting the pen to the back of your throat to help induce vomiting.  I know that gameplay tips involve slower movement and turning, but good heavens this is a damn open-world puzzle game... if I go any slower I'll have to quit my job for a year just to hit the end-game.

2) Adr1ft
I know it is all but blasphemous to dare say that Ad1ft is Abandonware. Let me begin by stating that motion sickness is not an issue with this game. I can dip, duck, dive, and dodge in outer-space all day long with this one. The problem is that the storyline and overall "character goals" in this game are severely lacking. I'm just floating around without a damn clue as to wtf I'm supposed to be trying to achieve. I came in to the game late, having already beaten Chronos, Lucky's Tale, Albino Lullaby, and Technolust. Perhaps that's my problem... because just floating around collecting Access Cards (currently 6 of 25 are my inventory) and listening to audio recordings of some dude who loves his daughters piano recitals has me on the verge of paper cutting myself to death.

Anyone else?

Expert Protege
Adrift.. The game was just to slow moving and borning to me. I may give it another try one day..

Expert Protege
Ethen Carter, tried both modes, one made me feel sick and gave me an actual headache after 15 mins, the other mode was just confusing and annoying.

Heroic Explorer
I have to agree on Ethan Carter. I played the game from start to finish on a monitor back in the day. But in VR i cannot pass the starting bridge. They should make a label Extremely Intense for these games.

Heroic Explorer
I heard that, tricking your brain like if you're in a floating chair, helps reduce motion sickess in games like Ethan Carter. I can stand games like Radial-G, Project Cars, Adr1ft but not a single one including walking :dizzy:
I may try again some day 😕


Snap, exactly my thoughts on both. I love the way Adr1ft has been implemented and I do not regret buying it. I often load it up as an experience to show people.  I just wish in some sections you could get out of the suit, walk around a bit and enjoy the atmosphere (pun intended). I think other developers could learn a lot from the immersion you get from this game as it is a real ground breaker for VR. It is beautiful in there but the game play is a little lacking.

Ethan Carter suffers the same problem as every VR first player perspective games  XBOX CONTROLLER ONLY aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh. It is a rubbish control method for this type of game.

I hope they allow mouse and keyboard at some point until then it will remain not installed. Maybe when the touch comes in they will introduce the possibility of using one of the controllers as a directional movement just like the hydras can emulate mouse look.

temporarily on EVE Valkyrie, just because I was never very interested in dog-fighting deathmatches (or most types of PvP game in general) to begin with ... but I'm leaving it installed, because I definitely want to check out the planned story campaign type content in the future.

Also not really games, but most video apps such as Jaunt because I find the content to be really underwhelming like 90% of the time and it shouldn't take like twenty minutes to load one short godawful-resolution video on an internet connection that can  install entire Gigabyte-plus sized games in a fraction of that time.  Videos aren't even in stereoscopic 3D most of the time, ugh :disappointed:

It's hard being the voice of reason when you're surrounded by unreasonable people.

Tried EVE Valkyrie once and I didn't like it so that's probably getting uninstalled soon. I prefer Warthunder over EVE when it comes to arcade like flight shooters.

Just about all of them, except maybe Elite dangerous, the VR games out there so far is not very appealing hope it changes with the touch, it not then I have an Rift for sale.

War Thunder, which is free to play via steam. At the beginning i was thinking "yeah Eve with planes".  If your plane gets hit there is one nice crash animation: You will perform barrel rolls until you hit the ground. ::pensive:

From this day on  this is my prefered example of an "instant motion sickness."   

Eve is so much better polished to be played in VR....