VR Experiences
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Forum Posts

ViSP - Virtual Space Port

I just found this little gem:https://virtualspaceport.com/ It's a "build and defend" game. You are building a space station structure in roomscale VR. The goal is to connect your structure with certain artifacts spread over the 3D-space. You need to ...

Litespeed by Heroic Explorer
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Soulkeeper VR

Looks promising... Possibly a bit like skyrim but for vr? Anyone here backing it?https://youtu.be/XN9kDW0sTtAhttps://youtu.be/1kMru44xId4

How to showcase Live-music video

I recently recorded a full-album (13 songs) using a 360° camera, 4K, immersive audio, 3D ... this album was recorded all live with Grammy nominee Latin band “La Clave Secreta” and many special guest artists. I would love to showcase and feature at le...

gonzograu by Honored Guest
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Salvo Go - Battleships for the Go

Hi allI have already released Salvo on the rift and am now rebuilding it for the Go. I released Salvo Rift edition my first ever game nearly two years ago and have learnt a lot since. I also wanted some more experience building for the Go. Particular...

Robo Recall not free/and not in library

I just got my VR on Wednesday and it came bundled with the Touch controllers and I bought an extra sensor, but the 4 free games that were supposed to come with the rift + touch controllers are not in my library. (Robo Recall, Medium, Dead and Buried,...

Minibray by Honored Guest
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Torn is now on sale

Torn on now on sale for $14.99CDN. All you non canadians can figure out yourselves what it is in your local currency. 

Digikid1 by Consultant
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Loading Human Video Review

In case any Rifters are interested in Loading Human when it gets Touch support (which I assume it might do eventually or at least be hacked in) here's a review of the PSVR version. It's available now via Steam.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ5eiU1s...

Twist N' Shoot by Four Non Devs

Hi Everyone, I m not a dev, nor are my 3 others buddies but still we created a sorta game called Twist N' Shoot running on Google Cardboard. We call ourselves the Four Non Devs and we would be very happy to have some feedback...Twist N' Shoot on Goog...

VR-Fred by Honored Guest
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Slightly Heroes - price just reduced from $10 to 0!

Get the free game here - it's in the Oculus Store's sale folder, so I guess it won't be free forever (although in-app purchases are possible):https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/2136528436425547https://youtu.be/a8Q-BKpwAGYI'm guessing that the de...

RuneSR2 by Grand Champion
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All games open on vr

Every time i open a game the oculus app opens and it makes the game into a vr versión. Because of this i cant play normally, I tried closing oculus app but it closes the game too and on the app settings there is no option to disable that.

Contractors Lag

Hi, quick question.I can run pretty much all the hyped game as Robo Recall etc.But when it comes to Contractors my graphic card Nvidia GTX 1060 3gb sets of in full steam between 90-99%And when i starts a game along comes the lag/ studdering.Is Contra...

Coolis72 by Honored Guest
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Elite Dangerous: Friends Lists, Favorite Loadouts, etc.

Consider this the thread to invite fellow Elite Dangerous players to join your friendslists, on Oculus Home or Steam (to keep track of when people on either platform are playing), and of course within the game itself.My screenname is the same on all ...

CrashFu by Consultant
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Installation stuck at "Installing Third-Party Components"

I have not been able to play any games on the oculus store since i bought the rift a few months ago. My purchase included 6 free games, of which i haven't been able to install any. I also downloaded an additional game which also does not work.My prob...

BaumBoi by Not applicable
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Final Assault RTS

This is looking like a good RTS game I might pick up. I'll probably wait for the campaign though.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHj4SgE9sqc

Fazz by Honored Visionary
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Marvel Powers United: Reviews and Impressions

Feel free to use this thread to post your thoughts on the game, as well as discuss different strategies, tips, tricks, etc.A quick overview of my initial thoughts & impressions:At release, I would give MPU a rating of 8/10. I remove 2 points only bec...

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Zenbane by MVP
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Oculus Quest Cross Buy

I really hope that the Quest offers up a cross buy system for those of us that have already invested a ton of money into our Rift game libraries.I will honestly buy a Quest day one if the games I buy that are cross platform are honored on both.I do w...

JonJonXD by Expert Protege
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Pet Lab - mermaid extract?

I'm stuck, paid for the full license and all.I need mermaid extract to make medium horns, but to buy that I need to be level 6. I'm only leven 2 and that is the only order I have left, how can I level up without making an order?

Nothing Half-Baked About Zombie Donuts Update

Virtro Entertainment, a female-led immersive entertainment company, has announced today that there will be an update to their classic Zombie Donuts FPS VR Game. If you thought you’d had all the sugar rush you could handle - think again! Virtro promis...

virtrodev by Honored Guest
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YouTube app vanished?!

i was trying to use the YouTube app on the Occulus Go tonight and after trying to play a video it crashed out to the home environment. Now the app is gone, isn’t on the App Store and the link that used to be on this site now gives you an error messag...

paulcnb by Explorer
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I have 4 Apps installed and i am alerted there is an update, i click on update and they run then back out and just stop says contact Oculus.AltSpace VRGun Club VRHigh FidelityRec room

VR Website (Web VR)

Hi everyone,I'm trying to run a web VR app (for example : https://vrrollercoaster.app/webvr/ ) but I can't really figure out how to do that.I'm currently with the headset on, in the Oculus Home, I'm opening the Oculus Desktop app from the control pan...