Aircar - is sound broken?
since last patch i have no sound in aircar. all other sounds in oculus work. both in app and it aircar?
since last patch i have no sound in aircar. all other sounds in oculus work. both in app and it aircar?
I dislike shooter games where you have to physically duck for cover and get back up all the time, without using your hands. It's too uncomfortable to keep doing it over a long session. So if there's no button for that I don't even buy them...Then whe...
I've added Linux support to Quake2VR. You can download pre-compiled binaries here: or you can clone and compile it yourself from source: If you compile from source, y...
hi, as a present for our kids report cards, we want to get them Beat Saber: we have no Oculus gear yet. What all do I need (head sets, computer, software, cables) to get them playing? I hope to get a system without a smartphone (we don't have one). t...
Hey guys, my name’s Blake Stone and I’m one of the developers of Shadow Legend VR. The game is a medieval action RPG we’ve been working on for the past 2 years and we’re getting very close to completion!In Shadow Legend you play as the Grand Master o...
Looks awesome, just bought it using the Oculus phone app, and if my VR rig was on I could have remote-installed it on my VR rig, sigh rated 96 % based on 10 ratings, we'll see how t...
Please post your rating of From Other Suns, taking into consideration fun factor, value for money, overall polish and using the following criteria if you have purchased/played the game:5 Stars - Awesome Must Buy4 Stars - Very Good Not essential.3 Sta...
Feel free to add some if you have any.- If you go to an enemy's tactical area and blow it up with your guns, the captain can't shoot your ship. I play solo and had my ship blown up a few times while trying to loot pirates, until someone mentioned it....
Hello! We just released our game Late For Work on Early Access. It's a VR Local Multiplayer game where you play as a giant gorilla and take on up to four human friends. Late For Work is very much in active development and we have lofty goals for it.B...
Hello Friends,November is over, which means Christmas is right around the corner. Before we head into the holiday season, we wanted to get out one more Update for Late For Work. This one focuses on fixing a whole bunch of issues that many players hav... did buy this one for the kids, but I'm not that sure they're able to really play it - at least it's great fun for adults too. Well, if you can cope with tons of crab that is. I've tried it fo...
Hi everyone,That's the ultimate in action in the screenshot provided. Pretty much a mini-death star weapon to waste anything in front of you! The cinematic launcher trailer is only a couple days away! We can't wait to show it to you guys. We had a ne...
I can't change skins and patterns. I used to be able to but since getting the echo combat download I can't any longer. Anyone else have this problem?
Had a game of Dead and Buried tonight. I cant believe how good this game is playing shootout with 3 other random guys (decent people too). At first I sat on my chair playing, then found it wasn't really working as I couldn't take cover. Then played o...
A few days ago this game arrived: according to the devs:"Xion reVives the arcade and shoot'em ups of the 90's in a refreshing and unique rogue style and destruc...
I am looking at Steam store and see DLC for Carnival Games VR is on sale, but of course on Oculus store all you get is "Offers In-App Purchases" For fucks sake why!? Why can't I see the price and see if there is a deal and buy it! FUCK!
Greetings ComunityI just bought this game yesterday, and was wondering if there is still people playing this game on the Oculus community, i try to buy all stuff from Oculus store, rather than Steam, even if it's on special, i hate Steam, but startin...
Hey guys,I'm hoping one of you can help me as I'm getting pretty frustrated.I am playing the Rift on my PC and am having difficulty downloading additional games as it repeatedly tells me that there is no space available. The oculus rift is the only t...'m not sure if you guys have seen this game yet but its 40% off right now. The game is currently in early access but some people compare it to Battlefield in VR. I played some last...
I just recently purchased the rift and im trying to download the game Arizona sunshine its 20 gb and I have 40 gb left I don't see why it wont download
Hello,I am selling my oculus rift on eBay, and one of the potential buyers is wondering if they would have access to the 8 games that came with the Oculus. Would they have access and be able to play these games, or are they bound to my account?Thank ...
Please take the survey and get your info and wishes for future flight simulation (VR!!) in to Navigraph, who are conducting this major survey alongside other big development companies in the FS branch.
Just got the Rift today and installed Robo Recall. Getting a Bad Image Error with and Error Status: 0xc000012f when trying to start the game up. Any help is appreciated.thank you
Hello everyone! I've been working on a lot of mods the past month or so for Robo Recall, and since then I've been posting links in the Unreal Engine Forums,but I totally forgot to post them here too! So rather than make a post for each one I've made ...
Yup. That's right!SO HAPPY!!! It's 85-90% ready for a first release so far, details here:
The app can be found here - nearly for free ($4): some info:
OK did I just waste £8?I enjoyed spark, reminded me of a star trek holodeck game... but... there are no other players.... What gives?
Can someone tell me if I can add a HOTAS into oculus games, all I see is discussions of what they have, I don't care what they have I want to know how to add the HOTAS. I have the X-56
For an AR project i'm working on I need to create a Callada file that I can import to scene Kit. The collada file needs to be a 3d character with lipsync animations. I have the character and Idle animations(and all the viseam blendsapes for OVR). I c...
Hey everyone,Only 3 days left until Scraper: First Strike is released for Oculus. Just in time forThanksgiving! You can get it on the Oculus store or Steam.Launch trailer peek engineer...