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Oculus Debug tool question

If a game has the option to adjust super sampling in its graphic settings can you or should you still use the Pixels Per Display Pixel Override on the Oculus Debug tool . Thank you for the help.

Final Set of Dual Champions

In order of future release:Magmarot Steelhorn: Eclipse/ StrifeComing January 16thJa'Ru: Scales/ThornsComing January 23rdVernerzad Kahin: Silence/ DeliriumComing January 30Malice: Scales/ StrifeComing February 6thWin this card for placing in the High ...

From Other Suns - Am I stranded on this ship?

After a jump, I found a smaller ship just sitting there. No communication. I teleported over and killed the pirates there. But now I can't seem to get back. I did fix the teleporter, which had been damaged, but the thing is... there is no control pan...

Grudunza by Honored Guest
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Oculus HDMI stuff

Hey! So, I've been working on extending my Oculus setup to my living room. So far, I have two USB 2.0 extensions, and a single 3.0 extension. (One 2.0 for headset, another for the third sensor.) So my USB situation is fine. As for my HDMI, I need to ...

Meat_Man by Expert Protege
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From other suns

Does anyone know how/when the alien movement is calculated? It seems like they move a fixed light year distance relative to the percent complete to earth. Is this correct? Does it continue to calculate distance traveled during a mission, etc.?

Erogath by Honored Guest
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Cant buy anything

Hi..im from greece and i have oculus rift with tuch controllers. Why i cant buy anything from the shop? No way to buy games with paypal or a credit card.can you help me please...?

GMenos by Explorer
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DCS or X-Plane 11, which is most realistic?

I'm asking which is most realistic because here's what I don't get about these two sims. The Helicopter (the Huey) in DCS is a bit of a nightmare to fly, but in X-Plane 11, Helicopters seem easier to control. When you read about X- Plane 11 though, I...

Fazz by Honored Visionary
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Your opinion on Robo Recall?

My opinion is that this game is freeking awesome, but really really really short...I'd prefer to pay for it but having it longer with more differentiation...Whats your opinion?

Kalec84 by Heroic Explorer
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From Other Suns: How do you unlock pirate ships?

So I teleported to one recently and I was unable to reach the bridge. It had a lock on it that looked like a blue keycard, but there was no keycard laying around, and if it's the same as the beta, keycards become useless outside of the specific area ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resetting From Other Suns

Anyone know how to completely reset FOS?When you start a new game, it saves past experience points to give you milestone awards and help you along. (I have 5 as of now)I just want to start the game over from the very VERY beginning, but I haven't see...

From other Suns infinite loaDING?

So a friend and I are playing tonight and we seem to keep getting stuck in an infinite loading screen when we try to jump. We have not experienced this before. Just seems new tonight. Anyone else getting this?

Arock387 by Heroic Explorer
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From Other Suns - Music Achievements

In the achievements list, under collectables, it lists music achievements. How do I get these? I find statues now and then (I have 4 so far), but have never seen music cartridges anywhere.

fermat8 by Honored Guest
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Lone Echo Local Save Game Location

I'd like to back up my Lone Echo Save Game file. I've looked in several typical locations and have found Oculus folders, but have not found the save game file for this game. Typical locations are User> Documents, User> Save Games, User: AppData, poss...

X-Plane 11 tweak to stop Oculus Home and set super sampling..

I just watched this YouTube videos. I was wondering why doing this tweak can stop Oculus home from launching, but you can still play in VR? This is supposed to give you a good boost, but will doing this effect anything else in Oculus Home?https://www...

Fazz by Honored Visionary
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Please answer this

Is it possible to make "Hotdogs, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades" compatible with the Rift? I want to get the game but Steam says it's only compatible with the HTC Vive but I have seen a guy play the game with Touch controllers. Please help.

Discovering Space 2 xbox gamepad not working

Hi!The xbox gamepad recently stopped working with Discovering Space 2 freeflight mode, it'only working in menu screen allowing me to choose settings but it's not working in game for flying the spacecraft... i have tried various things, including rein...

Gregkar by Honored Guest
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Party chat using Rift for Xbox One streaming?

Has anyone figured out how to do this? I assume this should be possible considering there's a mic on the Rift but I can't seem to figure out how to get it working for party chat. I can hear others fine. And in my sound settings it shows my Rift activ...

Xbox Stream App Issues

Hi I recently installed the xbox stream app and when I try to join a party my mic doesn't work but I'm still able to hear others and game audio. The party options say I have a headset on but again when I talk no one hears me. I appreciate any help in...

Jmurdaa by Honored Guest
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robo recall for free

HiI just bought the oculus touch, so I'm gonna get Robo Recall for free.What do I have to do to get the game ?Thx 

Zackaries by Honored Guest
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360 Parallel Memories

check out the remix of the best #shadertoy shaders in a 360 videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh5K2z51r9U

zproxy by Expert Protege
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Eve Gunman

I just bought Eve Gunman, but the x-button on the sensor does not seem to work properly. I need to push it to reload my ammo for the gun. PLEASE help me

linjebus by Honored Guest
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