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BeamNG.drive not working with Rift

I know the game is early access, but it USED to work with Rift according to Internet rumor.So I enable SteamVR, open BeamNG.drive, select okay for VR, then SteamVR just says "connecting to game..." Anyone got it working? I have dual monitors but that...

Team Italiano

Sto cercando di fondare un team italiano ufficiale di echo arena.chi fosse interessato puo' trovarmi su facebook alla pagina:https://www.facebook.com/groups/176534619585570/o sul sito:https://emanueleorsini85.wixsite.com/echoarenaitalianteamGrazie a ...

pixwell by Honored Guest
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Arcade with gear VR and VZ Sensor

I received a new VZ sensor in the mail last week and tried to use it with a stationary bike and my Samsung gear VR and Windows 10. Arcade will open but won't run. Did I buy a lemon or is there a fix?

Guns'N'Stories Bulletproof VR Demo

Hi Guys!We take great pleasure in announcing the release of Our VR game demo "Guns'N'Stories Bulletproof" for Oculus Rift VR and Steam.Trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UOO04tEnd4Oculus:https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/1951786524835344/...

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Mirowin by Honored Guest
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Looking to buy Eve or Elite, have some questions.

Hey everyone,I am looking to pick up either Eve Valkyrie or Elite Dangerous but have a few questions.I just purchased a HOTAS and it will be here on Monday so I want a fun space flight shooter/sim. One of my all time favorite games growing up was a g...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Onward released on Oculus Store

Store pageReddit discussionOnward has been released on Oculus home with updated Touch configuration. Apparently Oculus SDK integration is also coming for the Steam version if you already have it on SteamVR.I haven't tried it yet personally, but I'm m...

nalex66 by MVP
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Was Star Trek Bridge Crew Disappointing?

I don't hear anyone talk about it. I bought it at launch. I played it a couple of times that day. I am a huge Star Trek fan and was eagerly anticipating this game but I haven't played it since.I think maybe it's because 1. The graphics look like a PS...

MowTin by Expert Trustee
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Alien Isolation : does mirror works?

Hello,while playing AI with CV1 I'd also like to take screenshots, yet the oculusmirror.exe seems to be only working on the desktop, but not into the game, where, on the PC display, I can see the Stem overlay, but not the game: black screenany tips?t...

mgabb by Honored Guest
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T.Flight Hotas X and Elite Dangerous

I just bought a Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X for Elite Dangerous. It's taken some time to get it mostly configured but my first impressions are very positive. The game is really made to be played with HOTAS. Watching your hands move the joystick and...

zboson by Superstar
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Update:Version 1.1.0 is up on share but for some reason it still says "pre-0.6.0" even though it has been updated to Updated Oculus SDK to Improved memory usage. implemented first...

opamp by Protege
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Elite Dangerous

holy hell guys.......... I sm going to sound like a screaming fanboy now but....I got ED working. No idea why, it just worked when this morning it didnt. it must have been me rushing. but cripes.This is THE best gaming WOW moment I have ever experien...

Weightless - Leap Motion 3D Jam Experience

Hi, I'm Martin Schubert and I developed 'Weightless' for the Leap Motion 3D Jam where I'm very happy to say it recently won 2nd place. It's a meditative virtual reality experience about inspecting space debris in a weightless environment.I designed t...

mrschube by Honored Guest
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ARKTIKA.1 User Reviews

Please post your rating of this game taking into consideration fun factor, value for money, overall polish and using the following criteria if you have purchased/played the game:5 Stars - Awesome Must Buy4 Stars - Very Good Not essential.3 Stars - Av...

Escape from Pirate's Rock - Alpha testers required :)

Hi to all!I have been working on a VR game, I think its ready for an alpha test now.You need only one click, so you can use Oculus remote or mouse click.It's kind a Room Escape type of a game. You have been captured from the pirates for a ransom and ...

dboshe by Honored Guest
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Onward for Touch

Been itching to get this game .... looks like fun. Does anyone have it working on the rift? I only have 2 sensors right now (thinking about getting a 3rd).

Lone Echo Depleted dig site Bug (spoiler)

HI all I'm having a problem at the Depleted dig site I get the generator online, direct power to the sensor array (blue markers on the cables show power to it) and I then hit the button and turn the array to face the anomaly, then the screen shows it...

Oops01 by Protege
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Where does Oculus games save their progress?

All my games just went "puff" in the cloud....I have had for a couple months now got the updates "Downloading Oculus Update" etc but it never goes anywhere, it never receive any update or "finished updating" etc. Yesterday I noticed that there was in...

Fri13 by Protege
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Arktika 1 teleporter bug

I'm on the airport mission and it's my 3rd or 4th attempt at it.At different points in the game the teleporter just breaks and stops working. Usually it happens when combat music is triggered with no enemies around at all, so I geet stuck in this com...

Arktika.1 what to do after finishing?

With Dead effect 2, there is some replay value with the 3 different characters. In addition, you can keep playing and advancing your character.What is there to do in Arktika.1 after finishing the single player story?

iamnivek by Honored Guest
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Project Cars 2 wont let me setup my rift ?

Hello,In the game Project Cars 2 the settings for setting up VR is greyed out. I've tried to launch the game both with the Oculus Home opened and closed. I have no errors in Oculus Home, and VR works fine in Iracing and Assetto Corsa.Anyone knows abo...

Kottal by Explorer
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