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Game unplayable after patch

I use a galaxy s7 edge and gear vr. I used to play this a lot before the factions were unlocked and loved it. I updated last night and now the audio stutters with or without headphones and my phone is overheating before i can finish one game. Is ther...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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From Other Suns

Wow!! As a big FTL fan, this certainly looks promising!   Hope they will pull this of, it have the potential of being amazing!!https://youtu.be/wR6BPFy2NmM

rVRcloset by Heroic Explorer
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90's vr games ?

We really need some 90's vr games for the rift. if some company can release old Atari 2600 games for PC I am sure it wouldn't be to hard to release some old virtuality games for the rift and vive. i still remember paying $5 to play Dactyl Nightmare.

jim1174 by Protege
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I got a great idea for a game like Dead and Buried!!

If you have played Rising Storm 2 you would know how commander works. You can call stuff in like air strikes, artillery, recon, napalm, etc. If you have played World in Conflict you know that game is mainly about what you pick and the fire support yo...

AntDX3162 by Heroic Explorer
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Metaworld (MMO)

Just curious if people here know about this, it doesn't seem to get a lot of attention, but it looks like it could be good. Personally I'm not much for MMOs, but I really like the concept of this, it's got decent physics and that opens up for a lot o...

Ocucam - piping dual webcams to an Oculus Rift

Hi, all!In my boredom from waiting for my Oculus Rift to arrive, I've put together a tiny C# project that takes dual webcam inputs, applies the Oculus distortion shader, and then outputs via Direct3D.It's a pretty limited app, currently--for instance...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Modelling in VR and on your desktop using Verto Studio VR

This modelling program launched yesterday on Steam. Its stand out feature is that you can jump between modeling in VR and desktop modeling on your PC.The intro price of £15 seemed very reasonable, so I have downloaded the software and will have a pla...

AGL1 by Protege
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Best Flying Game For VR w/controller?

I know someone already made a thread about best flying game for "daddy" but what about most practical flying game. I've just downloaded DCS World for the Vive and FFS what a load of croc (even if it appears to be a cool game for free). Press Alt L to...

Star Tek: Single Player Aegis Campaign

Hey gang, I thought I might start a thread for the Single Player folks amongst us - or maybe I am about the only one LOL. Anyway I am enjoying the game so far. Made it through all the training segments, then deployed on the Aegis Single Player Campai...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Video app with Loop, Startup via Windows ????

Hi, is anyone now better option to play video 360 on Oculus Rift, then Virtual desktop player, i need very simple Video start and loop ! im using it for showing short 5 minutes movie, but Virtual desktop crashes every 30 minutes.

monnte by Honored Guest
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if u havnt checked it out for vr omg its awesome lolcontroller and u can use headset targeting 1st game i didnt wanna die playing a 6 hour sesh

Bridge Crew - Infinite Warp

Anyone else had this and know a workaround; I was in a cross platform game of Bridge Crew and when we hit warp we never came out again. Re-started mission, same result. Went back to briefing room and swapped positions, started a different mission, wh...

Star trek bridge crew

Is there anyway to raise the height of the consoles? Trying to play in an Ikea chair (you know the one) and the consoles are a little too low and some buttons are hard to reach. I tryed to reset view but that doesn't help.

Designer or apartment layout

There is my apartment project in dvg format (AutoCAD program) I want to transfer it to the oclus maybe this and how to do it? Or is there something like that where to size in terms of accuracy and transfer? To move there and make furniture, advise th...

bodua by Honored Guest
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DISASSEMBLED! - The Devs has gone above and beyond!

I did a video on the pre-release not knowing it was a worlds first:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKA3zK2mV88Not only did the Dev tell me I was the first to play and make a video of the game. He presented me with a cool 'Limited Edition' avatar, whi...