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Forum Posts

Genevia Shipp

It is a PS4 Fender. I purchased the Bluetooth as well, which it is paired up with. The guitar shows up on the screen and moves when I move it...but the big red X remains under the guitar symbol

Genevia by Honored Guest
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Titanic Honor and Glory

Cam across these 2 demos for this game and watched a youtube video. When I try the first demo nothing happened in rift. whrn I try the second demo the rift fades t black and I can hear the game music, but I can only play the demo on the computer moni...

Resolved! VR player with playlist ?

Excluding full desktop applications like "Virtual Desktop" and "Big Screen Beta", Is there a VR player that can read playlists ?

HiThere_ by Superstar
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Dead Secret - the machine's effects? [spoilers]

While of course the resolution of the mystery is the main objective of the game, I was waiting for (spoilers) some kind of impressively trippy after-effect when you've made use of the machine in the barn. You calibrate it, power it up, throw the swit...

BeadyEl by Explorer
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Dead & Buried: Quick Draw Tournament

Okay folks, let's see if we can get a decent competition going. This will be the first attempt to organize a Tournament for the Quick Draw map in Dead & Buried.If you want to sign up, simply post here. Today is Monday so let's try to wrap up the sign...

Zenbane by MVP
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  • 7 kudos

Intoducing Rhyen dev blog B)

Hello everyone.We are working on a nice project to try and bring the mmo genre to VR. Currently in the process of doing a prototype before launching a kickstarter campaign, We're still looking for illustrators and 3D modellers. You can follow our pro...

Yoirgl by Expert Protege
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Intoducing Rhyen dev blog B)

Hello everyone.We are working on a nice project to try and bring the mmo genre to VR. Currently in the process of doing a prototype before launching a kickstarter campaign, We're still looking for illustrators and 3D modellers. You can follow our pro...

Yoirgl by Expert Protege
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Windlands forcing me to use Touch

He all, I've been playing Windlands off and on for months now and I love this game! This morning anoyingly the Touch controls appeared in the game when I selected the gamepad controller and I can't get rid of them. I never play Windlands with Touch. ...

What games with out the hand controller is the Best ?

working on fixing my Vr so it works again just would like you guys to guide me what games is interesting to buy in some top 1 to 5 games without the hands controllers here in oculus rift store and in steam vr ? there is loots off games but don't know...

bengt28 by Honored Guest
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How to fix wierd dubble picture ?. i see lower part of image as a mirror of 4 kontrolere and x- box controler ,it hasent always done that ?. reinstall 3 times no luck .v-synk no luck ?.an i the only one . i hav new pc i7 -1070 x-win 10-


Recording 3D Direct from the Rift is here!

The dev of D3DGear has been working very hard at cracking this, and now it seems he has achieved it!Recording from the Oculus output, so he captures the output to each eye, in SBS video. It looks great in mobile/cell-phones in a headset (you know - t...

How's Mervils adventure?

Have been hooked on Crystal Rift and Ascension, interested in checking out Mervils adventure but wanted to hear some feedback on it first. The game looks like a mix between Zelda and several other games that come to mind but hows the VR experience? d...

Trytiped by Adventurer
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Lowering FPS oculus rift

Lowering FPS oculus riftHi my setup is:I7 4790 OC to 4.6ghzMobo Gigabyte SOCGigabyte 980ti Extrteme GamingWhen I use the oculus rift frames are lowered to 45, even when there are few cars on the track.While in "BENCHMARK" mode frames I am stable at 9...

sebagt by Honored Guest
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Resolved! Help! Anyone else use Steam VR?

So I have a couple games on steam VR but some seem a little wonky, not intended for Rift use. Some issues I have are how objects are held, they seem to point in the wrong direction, maybe just not intended for the Touch Controllers? I want to buy Ari...

What is your Top 5 VR games?

Mine1. Superhot VR2. Robo Recall3. The Climb4. Arizona Sunshine5. Cloudlands: VR minigolf (great for when friends are over)Almost made the list: The thrill of the fight, Newretroarcade:neon (takes some setup), onward, chronosI have just got my system...

9tnine by Honored Guest
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VRChat | ENDGAME in VR 002: Transhumanism

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1Nu33SoslQ&t=1150sENDGAME 2: 2 COOL 4 SCHOOL: TRANSHUMANISM.This week Poplopo and Nomono discuss transhumanism with the class. Is it the end or the beginning? To join the discussion live, plug your brain into VRchat o...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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New release for April??

Hello rifters, as staff from Oculus said that we will get a new release each month, can we expect any new release this month for non guitar hero fans? like Star trek Crew or Wilson´s heart?Cheers!

EliteSPA by Superstar
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Zombie Buster

I'm a sucker for the Zombie genre, so I purchases yet another one of these wave shooters:https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/1112894815499116/This one is interesting because it started off kinda slow and underwhelming. But all of a sudden, after ...


Superhot VR Achievements Not Working

I was recently playing the new Forever Update with a friend, and couldn't seem to unlock any of the achievements on the starting room door. Even for the easy ones (like "no need to look" or "it's high noon") that I was sure I'd done right, no achieve...

Weeky VR News Show - The Grid (March)

Hi all,I make a weekly VR news show called 'The Grid' and I'd like to share it here ( its Oculus biased  ). Instead of spamming this forum, I'll create one post for each month and update it with the latest episode.EP 05 - 31st MarchPalmer Luckey "Le...

F4CEpa1m by Adventurer
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How is Onward not on the Oculus store?

Just had a dabble with this and I hope the online play never dies, I hope more and more people play it. This is the best game I've played with VR and I'll be coming back to it over and over again. Just running through the tutorial immediately tickled...

Fazz by Honored Visionary
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Found - then lost - new area in Superhot

I was recently playing Superhot VR, when I found myself in the tech shop (that room with the floppy disks and monitors), but now my hands were made of wires and there was a single yellow floppy disk with the number 2 on it. The new maps were great an...

v1llage by Honored Guest
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Doom 3 BFG VR w/ touch is impressive

It's Doom 3 BFG with Oculus touch controls. The customizations are just so impressive. You can customize everything. Why can't other VR developers do this? You can choose all kinds of teleportation or locomotion options. And that's just the beginning...

MowTin by Expert Trustee
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