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Forum Posts

Star Trek 50th Anniversary Tribute game w/VR support

Hi all,Some of you may remember our Star Trek project from a couple of years back - we produced a working demo of the original starship Enterprise interior in the Torque game engine, with Oculus Rift support.Well, that was then, it worked OK and was ...

Resolved! Gift Apps

Niece has a samsung vr. I wish to purchase some apps for her and send to her account. Is this possible? How do I go about it? Thanks

Arcade Title on Rift?

Does anyone know if Oculus will be releasing the Arcade they made for Gear VR in Oculus Home for the Rift?I really enjoy the game on Gear VR, but my phone keeps overheating. Would be better on the Rift.

tozz3r by Explorer
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CV1 game and demos

Hello all, how exactly can I get demos and games from this site to work on my Rift CV? Only games I bought in home run on the rift?

war61 by Honored Guest
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Oculus Video: Black Level, Missing Audio, and MPEG-2

First up: I love Oculus Cinema, and want to be able to watch all of my movies through there. That said, there are two major problems I've noticed:1) For all videos (including ones streamed from Vimeo, not just local ones) the black level is off. I'm ...

Clarification needed on steam vs home

Right now I have a couple title I already paid full price for in steam, such as project cars and ets2. Are people in this situation ( of which I would imagine there are tons) going to get a way to have these games in home? I sure as hell ain't buying...

About the rift's compatibility

Hey guys. Someone could tell me if all the games on the Steam are compatible with the Rift? Do I need some other software to make the games work? I'm about to order my Rift (the final version), sad I will have to wait til July to get it. But I just w...

Resolved! Will existing DK1/DK2 apps/games work with CV1?

I received my CV1 yesterday and, first off, it's pretty amazing. Lucky's Tale blew me away! My question is this, can I use any existing apps/games with the CV1? If so, can you explain how? I did change the settings to allow unknown sources apps but w...

claunius by Honored Guest
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Top 7 Games that need VR Remakes

Some games were made before their time. Games that seemed like they were created for VR before VR was a thing and before VR could even be a thing. Those games deserve a second chance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONj6-Mr-N14

Chronos and suggestions

I might buy this game tomorrow. Someone got it already ? how is it ?any other good games in the store ? I already have Elite Dangerous, Dead Secret and Technolust besides the freebies  Most of the games in the store already have for my gear VR. Mind...

godwisper by Expert Protege
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Lucky's Tale Gamespot review....

http://www.gamespot.com/reviews/luckys-tale-review/1900-6416394/Another 5, they really have something against the Rift launch title, of all the negativity I read today (trust me I read a lot, kids were sick had to stay at home all day)...Lucky's Tale...

SNES VR + Source Code

Maybe an example of too much time on my hands...But, I added Oculus Rift support to the snes9x emulator.Download Here: UPDATEDhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/4dphg7blguosq1n/snes9x-VR.zipYou can use the following keys in Rift mode:Up/Down Arrow - Move clos...

dbaker by Explorer
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List of game download sizes

Hi there, as I'm awaiting my Rift delivery in the next few weeks, is there a list of actual download sizes for all the games currently available? That would help me make some decisions about freeing up space on my C: drive, thanks!vududeman

vududeman by Expert Protege
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Video: https://youtu.be/hCrdTjqmA2gHello everyone.I'd like to share with you my project.I would love if you look at my game just came out now on Steam.The game supports both the Desktop mode and VR.fully supports the DK1 and DK2 maintaining stable 75...

levitz1 by Honored Guest
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Video: https://youtu.be/hCrdTjqmA2gHello everyone.I'd like to share with you my project.I would love if you look at my game just came out now on Steam.The game supports both the Desktop mode and VR.fully supports the DK1 and DK2 maintaining stable 75...

levitz1 by Honored Guest
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Steam games?

Hi guys.So far with 1.3 the only game that correctly launches for me from Steam is In Mind VR. What Steam games are you guys playing that will work with 1.3?Junky

Gear VR/Rift Wingsuit Game (WIP)

Here's the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_ymt8OemJ8&feature=youtu.be Feel free to give me feedback/constructive criticism, I am learning more and more each day that I work on it!Once I add a few more Wingsuit courses, I'll be submitting i...

dubada01 by Honored Guest
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Resolved! Start over

I am halfway through Herobound but I want to start over from the beginning. Do I need to uninstall the game and then re-install or is there a better way to do this?

dazeran by Protege
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VR Space Tunnel - Infinite Runner

I'm done some game/experiment during my study on DK2 gameplay, this is one of them (about body movement and reflexes). Maded with Unity.YouTube Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRkLD2Ogg-8SDK 1.3: Windows (47 mb)Old SDK 0.8 builds: Windows , ...

Clodo by Protege
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Eve Valkyrie game code?

Hi. So, like many others, I pre-ordered the rift and I am waiting. For now, I want to be able to play Eve Valkyrie on my DK2 (like I am playing Lucky's Tale). How can we get the game code for Eve Valkyrie now? This is supposed to be included with the...

VR Web Browser

The great missing feature of Virtual Desktop imho, it's the lack of dragging single windows around the space. Something like Minority Report.Today i'm thinking if can be possible at least with web pages. Basically a web browser with floating tabs.So,...

Clodo by Protege
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