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Forum Posts

iPhone support for oculus + controllers

I've started a blog recording my progress towards making my dev kit work with my iPhone.http://iphonevr.blogspot.co.ukI'm making a wireless "bridge device" which will allow you to plug-in the rift and controllers sending their data to the iPhone via ...

Linear Crossing

Linear Crossing is a VR game about moving around using TRANSFORMS: neat little pickups that rotate, translate or scale your vehicle. Goal of the game is to AMASS WEALTH in the form of coins, by travelling through a randomly generated frogger-style wo...

Oculus Rift DK2 Presentation at my Workplace

Hello everyoneSo I was planning to have a little presentation of VR in the bureau where I work (about 30-40 employees) where I'm gonna introduce the ones that are interested in VR and what's to come in an about 20-25 minutes 1on1 session where I guid...

Discovering Space - [RELEASED - 26th OCTOBER]

NOW RELEASED - FULL VERSION AND DEMO AVAILABLEDiscovering Space - Release - 64bit. : RELEASED 26 October 2014http://theriftarcade.com/market/downloads/discovering-space-demo/a full demo is also available at the same locationDiscovering Space - Demo -...

siphi by Honored Guest
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Solus Project

Just been checking out 8mins of gameplay of Solus Project . Looks really promising.http://vrfocus.com/archives/28335/relea ... s-project/

sparkie14 by Expert Protege
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"City Coaster" - 0.8SDK

Take a thrilling ride through the colorful city on the beach on a coaster. A smooth ride through the city will leave you breathless for more, but not so crazy that you feel dazed! Enjoy!https://api.wearvr.com/apps/1613/versio ... aries/1265

VRbloX, A unique Oculus VR puzzle game

Hi all, I am almost ready to launch our small kickstarter to finish up my new game VRbloX.I would love for you all to download the Alpha and let me know what you think. We are about 45% through development now and I am just building all the different...

HoneyVR Trailer on YouTube!

Check out the trailer we just posted of our upcoming VR titles:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9ZXeWk81T0For early, free access please join our email list: http://www.honeyvr.com/signup

Good scary game for dk2

Can anyone please recommend a good scary (i like f.i. underground mood) game? I tried to check on share side but there are so many games that it wil take very long time to test them on dk2.

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Delta Draconis, amazing demo

Hi, please, has anyone an idea of who designed this demo? This is one of the most immersive demo i've tried so far, and i'd like to get a more complete version. http://www.riftenabled.com/admin/app/246

Binousse by Honored Guest
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"Hard Reset" game

Searched the forums briefly, and didn't immediately see a mention of this game. Sorry if it's a repeat.I just tried the game "Hard Reset" on the DK1 using the latest version of VorpX. For me, it is the most impressive piece of software that I have tr...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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WIP: Vrus One - Classic 3D VR Platformer

Hi,I've been working on a Demo over the past months. It's a classsic 3D Platformer for the Rift.Beat the level, collect the Orb at the End and make a new best time!Id really like to know what you think. It's compiled with the latest UE4.10 and should...

nn23 by Explorer
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Youtube Videos with new runtime?

I used to show people vidoes from youtube on the rift. It worked quite well. (the ones with the two images side by side) by just putting the youtube video in full screen.With the new runtime 0.080, that I am using, I have no idea how to do this? Is t...

hyestar by Explorer
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Dungeon Escape UPDATE

Hi there!While working on my game DracoDux I decided to take a little detour and... make our previous GameJam DUNGEON ESCAPE a better experience by adding some more content. It's basically a quizz-party game with some minigames and some other stuff i...

RazTOO by Honored Guest
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Win10 - DK2 - Eve:Valkyrie

So my rift has been collecting dust since they broke support for the DK2 in windows 10 with the release beta client. I finally got accepted into the EVE:VALK Alpha, I update the newest DK2 drivers and runtime to 0.8. The DK2 works in the test app. I ...

kleners by Honored Guest
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Ghost Vector

In Ghost Vector you are the sole survivor of a large starship, disabled and heavily damaged. You must find ways to repair, upgrade, and defend your ship from increasing enemy attacks as you traverse hostile sectors of the galaxy in an attempt to regr...

tmek by Protege
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Star Trek Voyager Elite Force in VR using VORPX 0.9!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERM-7_nXF7EThis one is dedicated to the Star Trek fans out there!!! So with the release of VORPX 0.9 we now have the ability to play older Q3 engine games in VR. After reading about this, I knew there was one game I de...

Using two PSEye Webcams in C# for the Rift

Hi Rifters, i started writing a program in C# which uses the CodeLabs SDK (http://codelaboratories.com/products/) to display two PSEye camera inputs (<20$ each at amazon) to view them in the Rift. So i attached two PSEye cams together:hardware.pngcam...

Been out of it for a while...racing game for CV1

Hey guys, since I sold my DK2 a while back and only followed what was going on with Elite Dangerous, I have been out of the racing scene for a while now. Can you tell me what racing games will officially support CV1? Games like Project Cars, Assetto ...

Mechwarrior Online

Can we have CV1 full support for this game?A streamer named Sader325 gave advice saying just use stormcrow, arctic cheetah, and timberwolf for the trial mechs. Everything else is a trap.Use just those 3 mechs and you will have fun and be effective on...

AntDX3162 by Heroic Explorer
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City Coaster has Been Released!!

Hello everyone!I just released my first stab at a roller coaster. This one will take you through a beach city. It is a little short, but hopefully you all will like it. Also, I am really looking for some feedback to improve it before I submit to Ocul...

sephirenn by Honored Guest
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Dragon Documentary - pre-alpha released for free

Hi,In 2012 I started to make Dragon Documentary. This was my second game ever I tried to build only by myslef. I stopped working on it loong time ago, but now, I finally realized very clearly, that I'm never going to "drop everything for about two ye...

Kubold by Explorer
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All racing games with full Oculus compatibility.

Feel the same. I was wondering why I race so easy and good in LFS. Usually that game is hard and I always spin out but because of lasik and my skills from Project Cars it feels the same. Maybe it can be 100% attributed into real-life. It would be wei...

AntDX3162 by Heroic Explorer
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Dying Light Dk2 support

I know this is a previous topic i posted, but it seems everyone here is ignorant to the fact this game will have Dk2 support, the menus and cutscenes maybe kind of messed up, I've read at least 6 or 7 articles talking about how it is better than Alie...