VR Experiences
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Forum Posts

Any suggestions for a program like Garry's Mod?

I want to be able to use a program (like Garry's mod) to easily add items into an environment, arrange them, and manipulate them in a basic way. Here are my two questions:1.) Is Garr'ys mod up and running with OR again?2.) Are there any other sandbox...

VR Shuttle

Have a VR look at the shuttle cockpit from NEW ORBIT Ep2:Windows download: VRShuttle.zipDevelopment on the game is currently on hold after we failed with our Kickstarter campaign. It seems we should have spent the time working on the game instead. An...

BLACKISH by Honored Guest
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Jeep Trek VR v0.1

Hello,I've taken my first foray into Unity development and I'm here to share the results. My ultimate goal is to make a couple dark rides (like Splash Mountain or those old Haunted Houses at carnivals), but I had to start somewhere, and Jeep Trek is ...

sephirenn by Honored Guest
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Elite: Dangerous - Tips For Beginners

I compiled a list of tips and apps for people just starting out in Elite: Dangerous. Not directly related to the Rift but they can be very useful for the game it self. Things like how to stay at top speed, finding the entrance to stations easily, aut...

Ocean Rift goes DK2

This very cool demo has been updated for the new sdk and I actually got it running smoothly for a change. I ran it in extended mode and was able to run the "directtorift" version just fine. No low persistence, but it's smooth at least. Looks great in...

snappahead by Expert Protege
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Early prototype for an Oculus Rift rail shooter I'm making. Inspired by Octodad, Time Crisis, and Hotline Miami, you play as a vigilante gunslinger fighting drug dealers while high on all their products. Your goal is to kill all the drug dealers befo...

Layt by Honored Guest
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Space 1999 Demo DK2 Compatible PC,Mac

This is a video from my Space 1999 demo coded in unity by me with a little help from the Internet for the ship models. I've included some of the titles from the series to set the scene. I'm really impressed with Unity though the learning curve was st...

goodl by Explorer
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Oculus Rift support for Jedi Academy

I want to share my new project: Oculus Rift DK1 support for Jedi Academy (for Windows and Linux)http://jochen.subliminal.at/2014/07/24/oculus-rift-support-for-jedi-academy/This Oculus Rift support implementation is designed for first person game play...

LAva by Honored Guest
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Project: GiantSlayer

Hey everyone! (EDITED BELOW!)I've been working on a game prototype and thought I'd start posting updates to the forum for feedback. To begin with, here's a video of one of the flight training courses. Its meant to show off the two main features of th...

mattscott by Honored Guest
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ANGRY BIRDS (Parody) DEMO Making

Hey guys, just a quick question. I am creating a Demo, which I actually have completed. Its a loop demo but I have used my Angry Bird like Models in this scene to simulate You hanging out with the Angry Birds. I would like to know what there is on co...

Working on a VLC/OpenGL based movie player

I've been playing around in Java with VLCj (a binding library for VLC) and OpenGL, as well as with procedural shaders. I've created a short youtube clip of the application playing Tron Legacy while using a tron-esque procedural skybox. Ideally, a lib...

jherico by Adventurer
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Boys & Girls Clubs of the Los Angeles Harbor Virtual Tour

Hello, I teach a game production class at the Boys & Girls Club of the Los Angeles Harbor where a small group of teens produced an Oculus Rift walk through of our digital studio. In twelve days four teens accurately re-created a piece of our facility...

sphandro by Honored Guest
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ToneMatrix VR - Generating audio from scratch in VR!

I love creating music with software like FastTracker 2, Rebirth or Reason. With the introduction of tablets and smartphone's this becomes even more fun with apps like Figure.I love creative coding, creating fun interactive experiments which people mi...

quince by Honored Guest
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Oculus Rift on Android

I'm working on connecting Rift and Android (no PC involved).I've got very early prototype which can show cube and rotate it based on Android orientation. I'm hoping to get to stage where it would simulate model on the platter, but currently I'm stuck...

Button by Honored Guest
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2014-06-25 Update "Another One"

*Update v 0.4*Another One is a straight forward platformer. Reach the Diamond at the end of the level to proceed!AO41.jpg3 Levels, Easy to Hard!Controls: WASD & GamePad - Walk/StrafeA/LMB - JumpR/Start: Reset PositionSelect: MenuEsc: QuitAO43.jpgAO42...

nn23 by Explorer
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Obolos - Ludum Dare 29 jam entry

Hi there,We've participated last ludum dare with our entry Obolos: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-29/?action=preview&uid=23493After the jam I've made it Oculus Rift compatible, we've really aimed for the mood factor in our game and I think...

m0rph3v5 by Honored Guest
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Virtual World Link v0.0.1

Hi Rifters,Soon after I got my DK1, I started work on my project, which I'm now calling Virtual World Link. I've worked on it very sporadically over the past year or so, and recently I got it into a workable enough state that it's probably worth post...

Web Based Kinect V2 Point Cloud Player (DK2 support)

Hi,I'm currently working on a Web Player that plays point cloud videos recorded with the Kinect V2.The player is found here: http://laht.info/WebGL/3DCloudPlayer.html See below for a demo recording you can download and upload to the player. (It takes...

laht by Honored Guest
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Simple web based DK2 demo

Hi,I've written a simple demo targeting the DK2. It is WebGL based and used Three.js for the visualization.I'm using JOVR (viewtopic.php?f=20&t=11149) to fetch the Oculus sensor data. These data is sent to the browser using WebSockets. The .j...

laht by Honored Guest
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Astralium Demo

Here I have the first level of my rift project Astralium (former name prisms) ready. Its more of a art project than a game so please experience it as such. Download:http://www.sander-bos.nl/astralium.htmlLink to site: http://www.sander-bos.nl/project...

Orbulus DK2 SDK 0.4.1 MAC build

Have reupped a fixed version and changed the URL below, sorry guys but the data was in the wrong data folder - doh!Oh and the Universal build seems to cause issues for some people so there is a _64 build now as well.Hi guysI suspect that you MAC folk...

unclebob by Honored Guest
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можно использовать камеры своего подьезда, двора, города и целового мира) для виртуальных путешествий с помощью этих супер очков) вот это было бы круто)

Lok0mot1v by Honored Guest
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