VR Experiences
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Forum Posts

Guillotine Simulator - Is the Dev here?

Sorry if this has already been posted or mentioned elsewhere (I personally couldn't find it on these forums) but I just HAD to share this video/article with everyone - This looks CRAZY! lol.http://kotaku.com/imagine-getting-your-head-chopped-off-with...

ReT by Honored Guest
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This is a demo I put together today with my Rift dev kit. Please let me know what you think! It's basically just a walk around and explore demo; there are a few things to see. I was going for something immersive with the VR before I tried to add any ...

Virtual Descent

Virtual Descent (nothing to do with the original Descent) is a project I have been working on for a long time. I have a number of incomplete Unity projects that revolve around this idea. I was reluctant to talk about it till I had something solid to ...

Krisper by Explorer
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Rift + Hydra = Flying like a Hero

I made a post with a video over here: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=552This is the slightly refined demo:http://robotloveskitty.com/Sandbox.zipFlying Lessons:Calibration:Works by just calibrating the left side, 4 red spheres will appear at each calibration po...

Mars Tank Demo - 3rd Person Test

Everyone is talking about how amazing it'll be play *input FPS title here* in fully realized vr. Yeah it will be cool - but i think that there is alot more to gain in the 3rd person games realm. Why? Well, the Oculus allows you to angle your head any...

andreasng by Honored Guest
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Simple Positional Headtracking Demo (Hydra & Rift optional)

Hello!I took inspiration from tbowren's videos on using a Hydra controller for positional headtracking to throw a simple demo together that lets anyone play with this idea firsthand (up to you if you want to strap a controller to your head or just ho...

drash by Heroic Explorer
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planet Unknow(lost marines)....

once i mapped for unreal way back with many a maps.........but now i am designing a full map pack for Oculus......hopefully 20 maps.......since i haven't received my oculus i cant dimension the maps yet....or set up or game type.......newest ones wil...

blito3 by Honored Guest
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Interactive wingsuit flash video

Thought I'd share in case anyone's looking for a small project. Might be really cool to enable with the Rift!http://www.visitnorway.com/us/Games-and-more/Wingsuit-Video/

hnnnng by Honored Guest
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Dogfight Elite but we need your help!

Hi there!Dogfight Elite, a historical & educational WWI & WWII multiplayer flight simulator supports Oculus Rift.Imagine flying on your Albatros or your Mustang P51d and just looking around in search of your enemies! That's what is possible in Dogfig...

Real life POV videos for the Rift

I wanted to try how well the Rift works as a viewing device for real life POV video footage, and also how well this works together with binaural sound.Roller coaster ride (Linnanmäki, Helsinki - Head mounted camera)Sunny winter day in Stockholm (Hand...

VRExperience.net virtual reality app store

Hi allI thought I would introduce my project to get feed back and maybe interest developers to upload their projects onto it.http://www.vrexperience.netThis has two parts, an app store that whilst able to serve games is more aimed at the simulation/t...


We have a beta site for viewing stereoscopic 3D panoramas here; http://www.3d-360.com/One panorama is 18 billion pixels and all of the others panoramas are all over a hundred million pixels. Many others have been created but not posted because this i...

jtoeppen by Honored Guest
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Enable Oculus in < 85 lines of code.

Headerclass OculusManager{public: OculusManager(); ~OculusManager(); float4 GetOrientation();};CPP#include #include "oculus.h"#include "OVR.h"static OVR::SensorDevice* pSensor;static OVR::SensorFusion fusion;static OVR::DeviceManager* pManager;Oculus...

Snow Level Demo

Below is a link to a level I've been working on while I wait for my Rift. I wouldn't call it a game yet, just an environment. I'm using it as my test environment while I learn Unity. I plan to drop in more content and continue to polish it as I learn...

sorensilk by Honored Guest
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WOW: Rift + TF2 + Omni Platform

Drop what you're doing and watch this video of the Omni Platform + Rift + Gun Controller + TF2 right now.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpHWJMytx5IAnd check out this coverage on Jace Hall:http://jacehallshow.com/news/gaming/industry/20130423/exclusiv...

Helicopter demo

*UPDATE: oops didn't see the other post ianmacmillan made... Thanks!!!*:)))Hi All,Just wanted to share a Helicopter demo we made for the occulus we recieved this monday.Check video's, information and download demo here:http://www.grin.be/blog/?p=975H...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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girl demo

I made a girl demo for testing my dev kit and see how my model looks like.very simple, please don't expect too much.thanks.file 1 :http://www.4shared.com/zip/oXH3ykFX/vrgirl.html

CyberDogs by Honored Guest
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XING: The Land Beyond

XING: The Land Beyond confirmed it's funding, Oculus Rift Integration stretch goal and an additional $30,000 stretch goal during the last 2 minutes of it's kickstarter campaign. Even though the kickstarter is finished, it's not too late to continue f...

Hydra Spatial Graffiti and Navigation testbed

Hi there! pardon the cross posting, throwing here and mtbs since there seems to be some differing crowds at each.I've been working on a few experiments for the past couple days here in the 'nights and weekends' style, and am looking for some feedback...

dbuck by Honored Guest
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City Planning and Urban Design with Oculus Rift

I brought one of our early prototype city models into Oculus Rift - Virtual Dubuque! Beware of floating trees and screwy normals / uv's.. just a really early WIP. We have a new city build that has a lot more detail, but it's not ready for primetime y...

Keystone by Honored Guest
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Ski Resort (Concept only)

I don't want anyone getting their hopes up, so don't expect to see this any time soon, but while going through things that might be interesting to do in VR, I was suddenly reminded of the skiing I used to do.And it struck me that I could make a prett...

KuraIthys by Honored Guest
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VR Snow Toobing

I just wanted to share some shots of my game/toy/thing I've been working on since receiving the Rift. It's a physics-based snow toobing simulator, and at the moment is more of a ride than a game. It's a ton of fun though. I found early on that physic...

Jerware by Explorer
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SpaceEngine support?

Space simulators fans, let's push the author to support OR in his game.  Discussion is going on here: http://en.spaceengine.org/forum/11-1124-1if you still do not know what's going on, look at these videos on his site. They speak for themselves.http...

3D Sound

How about integrating 3D sound along with the 3D vision feel.Take a listen to our Unreal Engine demo. You will need headphones. No special ones, any will do.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyJqHDIRMhU

voodooRod by Honored Guest
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TF2 hats and servers

It would be great to hang out with other dev kit owners on a non-violent TF2 server. Anyone up for that?Also, how do we get our hats?