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Great looking PC -VR games coming this year to any platform?

Does anyone have a list of nice looking PC -VR games coming to Oculus or Steam this year? I'm not looking at mobile VR, just PC -VR. If there's already a thread about this topic can you please link me to to it. @RuneSR2 -You might be the man to ask 

Fazz by Honored Visionary
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Mage's Tale: Review (Spoilers)

I'm a bit late to the game with Mage's Tale. I beat it this week and enjoyed the experience enough to warrant a Review.First off, I love the fact that this game so casually transitions from cute things like fairies and dancing Trow's...To straight up...

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Zenbane by MVP
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Patch from other side

Hi, i have question about patch from another site than Oculus. I would like to ask if it is possible to install a patch on a game downloaded from the oculus store? It would be a patch that a user could download from another website, so they would not...

Sim City on Oculus Quest?

Hi there, Would you ever consider including a city building game similar to Sim City on Oculus Quest 2? I think it would be an amazing addition!


Quand il y aura t'il une application pour regarder Diney+ sur oculus quest 2?

Trying to find an old game

I don't know what it's called n I can't find it anywhere. When the first headset came out, it was the very first game on my screen. You were flying through the air in a hot air balloon, shooting gnomes or trolls wth a bow n arrow in their fantasyland...

About The Oculus App

So i wanna ask that my friends on oculus quest 2 can be put on oculus App And be in a party with them while on oculus app because my headset goes dead and i still want to keep in touch with them.

Payment problem pop-up window

I want to buy the game but pop up window instead of payment confirmation says:This content is blocked. Contact the site owner to resolve this issue.Tento obsah je zablokovaný. Pokud chcete tento problém vyřešit, obraťte se na vlastníka webu.I do not ...

Добавьте региональные цены на игры и лутайте бабло и с России тоже

Добавьте региональные цены на игры и лутайте бабло и с России и других стран в которых люди в большинстве своём не в состоянии платить за игры в долларовом эквиваленте, как делает Steam благодаря чему и обрёл сверх популярность в Матушке России.

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Disney Plus - best way to view movies?

While I can watch Disney Plus movies via the browser, I have a background which is distracting to me.I know how to change the background, but they don't have one which is really dark. Is there anything else I can do to either increase the browser win...

Pet Lab Help

Does anyone know how to fill the last ‘regular’ order, which is still for the king? I can’t seem to figure out the skill requirements. It requires a creature with long, red fur, chubby with black salamander pattern and large, light green forked anten...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Pet lab king order 9

I'm stuck on the order for the king number 9. It has big ears and red and blue colours.I have tried various combinations of colour etc and keep failing..Help!

Issues with Beat Saber save data

So, all of my progress has been reset now on Beat Saber, twice. Both at my friend's house. I have no idea what this is, but I've got so much progress that it's starting to really piss me off. Any help?

MYST: Stoneship Age, chest not floating

So I'm in a Stoneship age, I drain the tower, go downstairs, open the valve to drain the chest, close the valve and let the water come back.The chest is not floating, I have tried one hundred times already! :'( Please, help needed!

Kids On VRChat?

I just started trying out Rec Room and Oculus for the first time today and found mostly children that sounded 10-14 running around and calling people 'faggots'. I was disappointed that what could have a friendly, social platform was just an immature,...

cwilde by Honored Guest
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Drop Dead glitch?!!

Is there a glitch/bug in the "Get To The Chopper" level? I've apparently played thru it (destroyed the Generator and killed all the zombies) 4 or 5 times now. And I end up being there near where that Power/Generator was ... and nothing else happens. ...

JJJake by Explorer
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Converting apps from quest to PC

I just got my cable for oculus link and everything seems to be working fine except for the fact that I bought beat saber on the quest, and it shows that I bought it on the oculus website when I login, but when I try to play using oculus link it says ...

TheRizz02 by Honored Guest
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Regional Pricing

Hi,Game prices is really increased these days..Why they don't apply regional pricing ?ex: Rightnow, it is impossible to buy games if you are living in Turkey..The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners $39,99.. Minimum wage is $297Big companies like Steam ap...

batuhun by Explorer
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Job Simulator

ich habe mir das Spiel Job Simulator für die Quest gekauft da ich gelesen habe dass man deutsche sprachunterstützung bekommt da ein Update im August gemacht wurde .wie kann ich denn Deutsch einstellen? Danke Gruß

SG7777 by Honored Guest
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Most unexpected VR surprise?

I stepped in to the Dragons Layer in Crystal Rift this evening and wasn't really expecting the battle to be so... personal space violating:Fighting dragons is always epic in an RPG - and this is the first time we get to experience it in a real, immer...

Zenbane by MVP
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Glitch while playing rec room

So I was playing rec room paintball and it was fine for a while until all of a sudden when I was shot a giant black glitch appeared in the middle of the screen. What is happening?

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