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Forum Posts

Dead & Buried II

This game is available for Quest and Rift, does anyone know if they are cross play, by that I mean can both the quest and rift play together ?

Umpa_PC by Rising Star
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How quick on the trigger are you to request an auto-refund?

The Quest & Go platforms are standardized; unless you have sideloaded apps or otherwise "jailbroke" your device. With that said, all Oculus store apps are expected to load & start / run without issue.The auto-refund policy requires that you "engaged"...

wuzp by Rising Star
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Critter Kart - fun and cheap!

Wow, lots of fun for very few dollars! I paid aud$3 for it on the Oculus 1st anniversary sale. Probably $US2 elsewhere.Plays great on my Rift cv1 and also very well with my Quest wireless with Virtual Desktop. Makes very good use of the Oculus touch ...

Weapons Genius VR test

Hi everyone.We are a small development team and we are now completing the development of Weapons Genius VR. https://youtu.be/GLS07TbA5ycThis is a small shooting range with the ability to craft weapons with different characteristics, purchase better c...

DroidRiot by Honored Guest
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Création d'une application matchs soccer en RV

Dû la situation actuelle, il serait extraordinaire que vous puissiez créer un application pour regarder les matchs de soccer d’Europe via la Réalité virtuel. On pourrait s'abonner à toute une saison disons de la ligue de champions ou le football de l...

JohnnyIDK by Honored Guest
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Live Streaming - Stormland

So I just got this and I wanted to share the experience with a few friends whilst I played. I started the game up and hit the live stream icon only to be told that "This app doesn't support live-streaming to Facebook"... Isn't Stormland an Oculus VR ...

Shadow Point for Quest

Anyone else playing Shadow Point? Damn key and mask shadow puzzle won't line up. Objects are all correct form, yet I cannot get into a position in which the key and mask will line up long enough at right positions to trigger. Key keeps going off the ...

Espire 1 : VR operative : can't install it ! Help !

"It seems that your antivirus had blocked the installation of Epire 1: VR operative .Contact the Oculus assistance to have help ."The game denies to install, i had no antivirus installed but Windows defender and even if i disable it , the game don't ...

netshaman by Expert Protege
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My Asgards Wrath will not download HELP!!!

I have recently just bought asgards wrath on the oculus store but for some reason the game wont download it get to 20 out of 80 gb and then just says "sorry we couldnt install asgards wrath" what should i do i tried reinstalling the launcher as well ...

Realms of Eternity

Latest update, added bow minigame to better test weapon mechanics.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOcm3JL17fs&feature=youtu.be&t=123Few others , Quest version can be downlaoded from sidequest:https://sidequestvr.com/app/881/realms-of-eternity-work-ti...

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Shooting Showdown 3

I really like this game but can't figure it out how to compete against friends. Can any one point me in right direction please

Games and apps discount

25% Quest game discount code sent to me is not being accepted when I try to apply it to a purchase at store. Expires May 15th {today{ ???

Euro Truck Stand-alone

I have the Euro Truck Sim2 CD stand-alone version (not Steam.)Should I be able to use my Oculus with it?Tried various methods with Vireio driver but no success.Can it be done with the stand-alone prog?Any nice hints?

ColinB by Adventurer
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Games similar to First Contact?

My son is autistic and really enjoys First Contact. He has trouble moving around in other games but he likes using the touch controls. Are there any games similar, where you don't have to move your character, for Rift? Where you can just stand there ...

cinnacon by Honored Guest
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[BoxVR] Preview on 32:10 screen is to zoomed in

Hi, I'm playing BoxVR on a 32:10 screen, and the game is so zoomed in that if there are other people watching me they can barely understand what is going on. Also, in my natural position during the game, my view is below the horizon, another reason y...

Dead And Buried 2 - Quickdraw - gameplay issues

HelloDevs, I hope this is the correct location to post issues for Deadand Buried 2 - Quickdraw. First off, thank you for addingQuickdraw in Dead and Buried 2. Also, a big thank you for allowing 8players and the option to mute individuals. However, I ...

Looking for a multiplayer game

Hey all. So looking for a multiplayer game that is not a dead match. Something similar to Arizona Sunshine, were it has a story but you can play WITH a friend. Thanks

Oculus Movie Player with Metadata?

Howdy!I've slowly been ripping my 3D Blu-ray collection and it's getting to the point where it's a little tedious and not very pleasing to use the file browser in the video player (Whirligig) I've been using.I know that Oculus Video can display a scr...

bmoconno by Honored Guest
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Cross Buying

I know that there is a cross purchase feature where some games can be bought once and used for both quest and rift s. So I was wonder if you guys had a list of games that have the feature of cross purchasing?


Frustrain – is a surrealistic first-person thriller about some bizarre railroad incident.Few passengers caught vigil in a night train. Sitting in their compartments, submerged into thinking they watch snowflakes flickering behind the window, drink ho...

spxyz by Honored Guest
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new game suggestions

I don't know if anyone else would find this cool except for me, but there should definitely be an Indiana Jones game made for the quest. That would be awesome!!! And there should also be more of the games with a story line like the Vader immortal gam...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Multiple Players

In a multiple player game do both players have to be in the same location and pair to the wifi in that location or can they be in different locations and play the same multiple player game?

luedd by Explorer
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