I've made a bashup consisting of the objects on the exterior of the tuscany house. The objects are duplicated and randomly placed around the yard (via code, no editor). The objects collision list is empty, but the ground collision remains the same so you can still walk up the stairs and around the yard and walk on air over the sea. The xml file bloats up over 100mb. I still get at least 200 fps with a gtx670.
I'm not going anywhere near dot com. He is an embarrassment to NZ and should be extradited to US immediately to face billions of dollars of copyright theft.
I've got no 8080 port setup nor registered web site, so I was hoping to post to fatcat oculus server.
Ive enabled tuscany xml scene schemata interface using perl and a xml perl module from CPAN. This file was just a fiddle wherein various objects are grouped together. Randomly selected objects therein are duplicated and placed randomly (horizontal vectors from object to object distances), via collision detection to avoid superimposed objects.
Main aim is to get a xml-oculus pipeline to my perl-based parametric modelling, before say doing a fbx pipeline to UDK editor.
I've GZiped the XML file. I found 7-zip, use the 7zip file manager rather than attempt to open or do the commandline, or symbol link. Gosh how terrible win7 is. All this pain just to get the dx11 graphics stuff. Microsoft should be indicted for racketeering.