05-03-2024 09:14 AM
so yah, im working on a game, here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz6G5G_gYUo
so far im calling it "rebels arena VR" but i dont realy like the name. maybe someone have catchy name idea that is not AI/ChatGPT generated 😅
short about my game:
multiplayer pvp based, like counter strike but in space with spaceships, almost star wars like space battle, you can see it in my video 🙂 any suggestions?
05-03-2024 09:28 AM
Starfighter VR
Shuttle Battle
Zed Axis
Maximum Blastoid
Pew Pew before Pew’d
Epic Space Laser Game
Needz More Lazerz!!!
Space Ace VR
05-03-2024 09:30 AM
Looks pretty good.
I actually like the name Rebels Arena VR, although I didn't expect it to be in space, so maybe it does need changing?