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Oculus Rift S

Hola, buenas noches... tengo mis Oculus Rift S que no usaba hace muchos meses, ahora he vuelto, ingrese con mis credenciales me hizo crear algo en facebook y la verdad es que he perdido todos mis juegos, estoy como si iniciara como un nuevo usuario, ...

Tell me if you’ve experienced this in a meta 3 (long post)

Tell me if you know what is up with my meta 3.A 128GB model purchased the year the 3 came out. No problems until last Saturday. I was playing Batman, casting to the TV. I closed down the game and the unit, but did not stop casting. Screen goes grey (...

Error message when trying to purchase and gift games

Hello all, basically since yesterday I've been getting this error message when trying to purchase a game. It is also doing the same on my brother's account. I get this message when using the app, web browser and headset. Is there a solution or is thi...

CDS9094 by Honored Guest
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Gorilla tag name glitch

So my gorilla tag won’t let me change my name. I hit enter and it does nothing. I tried deleting and reinstalling and turning it off and on but nothing is working. I’ve tried having other people help me but nothing is changing. Ik it’s not a big deal...

Cola4life by Honored Guest
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My Quest 2 itself is super laggy and glitchy.

My quest 2 is super laggy and glitchy, and I log into my account, and i can't click any buttons, it's super laggy, and eventually crashes. My wifi is good, and i haven't had any problems with it for a while.What should I do?

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