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A Message to Oculus Mobile VR Jam Devs

Honored Guest
I'm gonna try to keep this short. I recently posted this to /r/oculus and was informed that it would definitely land better here. Please, please, PLEASE consider releasing builds of your apps for other android phones after the Jam is over. I use an LG G3 and a highly modified google cardboard (please don't scoff, it's a seriously awesome smartphone hmd if you're willing to put enough work into it) and have a bluetooth controller that can be used for most any app if properly configured through Tincore Keymapper. I have the capability to play/experience all of these apps in arguably better quality than the currently available GearVRs (this is coming from others I've shown comparisons to, not just my own opinion). I am also a disciple of sorts for the more open use of android vr apps (i.e. not limiting the experience to one company's phone and headset) and I've been helping enable as many people who can't afford GearVRs as possible with alternative headsets to use but now we all need software! So to any dev with an app submitted to the Mobile VR Jam please consider releasing a google cardboard SDK version as well at some point ( much like ... -adventure ), I know myself and many others would gladly pay to try/see all the amazing content I've seen the past couple of weeks.

Expert Protege
"3Andron3icus3" wrote:
I made a reddit post about my cardboard a while back so I wouldn't have to keep typing the specs out: ... cardboard/

Woah! Good job! That looks really cool. Although, it's still a bold claim saying it's better than Gear VR. The head tracking for Gear VR is highly customized by John Carmack and Samsung engineers, etc. Still, you've probably got the best cardboard experience in your possession that's for sure.

You said you have the Gear VR, what do you not like about the Gear that makes this better? I personally love the Gear VR. The fact that it has a consistent home screen makes it a delight to use. With Cardboard, I find that it's annoying having to launch each individual app. I was actually tempted to make an app to launch VR Jam apps, but motivation was lacking. Cardboard has the neat app that launches youtube and other google stuff, but it doesn't seem to launch other custom apps nicely in a unified way.
Check out my Mobile VR Jam 2015 title Man Overboard! - Try the DK2 Version if you don't have a Gear VR

Honored Guest
To be fair, I really enjoy using the GearVR. It's just that my cardboard has better lenses and the improved FOV currently trumps any of the GearVR's advantages. After using my cardboard as much as I do, going back to the GearVR feels like tunnel vision. The comfort is also actually much better on my cardboard, but to be fair I reused the faceplate and headstrap from a DK1 for it. The rotational tracking on the GearVR is definitely better, but by a small margin compared to what I expected. I still get juddering and occasional skipping in apps on the GearVR they just occur less often. Most of the apps worth actually playing on my cardboard are already optimized for minimal rotational issues if they're using the cardboard SDK so it's not enough of an improvement for me. I know the low persistence is SUPPOSED to be noticeably better, but in my actual field tests including myself and others there wasn't enough of a noticeable difference to really matter. Everyone still chose my cardboard for the larger FOV, and those lenses seriously cost me less than 10 dollars (with shipping) for two pairs ( ... m-FL_55137) . I anticipate more companies than Samsung will be making phones with low persistence and VR in mind so I don't really want to be locked into their limited eco-system. I want to be a part of an eco-system that caters to all phones, especially since LG will be releasing a phone this year with project tango hardware incorporated.

(There are a couple of launcher apps out there for cardboard that you might wanna check out. They give you a menu that can be navigated while the phone is in the viewer with an unlimited number of spots to put in your VR apps.)

Expert Protege
That's cool. I didn't know there were launcher apps out there. I was working for a launcher for DK2 actually too that keeps you in VR and works with Direct to Rift.

I think if you really wanted to get certain apps converted to cardboard, you should try the VR Jam entries out on the gear. Even though you'll get tunnel vision compared to your better FOV, at least you could tell developers that you liked their entries enough that you wish they would make a cardboard app.

If you've tried a VR Jam app/experience or game, which one were your favorites? Maybe if you mention them here, developers would be inspired? I am not saying to try mine. I personally still want to find the time to try some of the better Jam entries myself. I was not even motived to try other people's work hardly. The ones I did try were the ones that inspired me while I was working on the Jam. But, there are a ton I haven't been able to try yet that I know are definitely better than mine based on reviews and looking at the video playthroughs.
Check out my Mobile VR Jam 2015 title Man Overboard! - Try the DK2 Version if you don't have a Gear VR

Honored Guest
I haven't had a chance to use the GearVR since the entries were posted, which is what makes this all the more tragic! The GearVR I was using was borrowed from a friend in Orlando, and the phone used was my girlfriend's Note 4. It's great, but I've found that I still genuinely prefer my own viewer so I didn't want to spend $200 myself and invest in a new phone.

I was very interested in trying the Game Jam entries but, go figure, so was my friend. I haven't had a chance to borrow it since and he won't be back in the state for another couple weeks so I literally have no other way of trying them at this point. There were plenty that looked incredibly polished and I was imagining them with my wider FOV and it got me fired up enough to post here.

I don't think mentioning them will make too much of a difference, but some of the ones I was most excited about (based on never having played/tried them) were Phase Shift, Tactera, InCell VR, Finding, Battlescape, Vektron Revenge, Small, Audio Arena, Voxel Cars, Soundscape VR, Ruins of Chronos, Double Destruction, Guns N Dragons, Bazaar, and The Night Cafe. I put Phase Shift first because a lot of things about it spoke to me personally and I thought I would really like it, but the rest looked amazing and are listed in no particular order.

I hadn't actually seen your app/game until this thread, but I would absolutely love to try that one as well. I imagine my niece (she loves the cardboard) would get a huge kick out of it.

"3Andron3icus3" wrote:
I put Phase Shift first because a lot of things about it spoke to me personally and I thought I would really like it, but the rest looked amazing and are listed in no particular order.

Well gosh, I wasn't going to mention this, but a cardboard version is actually my weekend project in a couple days...

Honored Guest
You just made my day!!! You can bet I'll be among the first to try it for sure!

Honored Guest
I finally tried out Cardboard at Google I/O, and I'm not sure it's suited for games. The new button does register taps and holds, but the FOV is limited, one hand has to consistently hold the device, and the latency isn't great. I think it's a great way to build VR awareness and present short experiences with limited interactivity, but I can't imagine my game (for example) being fun. I'd love to hear contrasting opinions, though.
Galaxy Grapple - GearVR, no gamepad

Honored Guest
Completely understood. For anyone taking games seriously on cardboard, a headstrap and bluetooth controller are both a must. Plenty of vendors now provide headstrap attachments for cardboard. I also use the Tincore Keymapper app to ensure that my i:droid bluetooth controller works with most any app.

Expert Protege
Tried cardboard with an S6 recently and the latency, tracking and drift was just bad, i had also eye strain. I used it only for around 10 minutes and still felt crosseyed a minute after using it.

Using Gear VR with a Note 4 afterwards felt like heaven also with a bigger FOV, not sure how the S6 Gear VR FOV is tho, maybe similar to Cardboard? Which would be not good.

Honored Guest
Original Poster, great point to bring up- thanks!

My entry "Mystery of Malfaxus" is being published exclusively for the Google Cardboard platform, and is designed from the ground up to be a great experience with 'Gaze Only' as the input method so even those without a headstrap can play and no bluetooth controller or input button is needed.

Stay tuned for updates, version 1 will be hitting Play Store soon!
VR Jam 2015 Entry Mystery of Malfaxus - Vote / like here!