04-26-2015 03:56 AM
05-03-2015 10:19 AM
05-11-2015 06:27 AM
05-11-2015 12:18 PM
05-11-2015 12:37 PM
05-11-2015 12:56 PM
"creat326" wrote:
Thanks for the input.
Yeah I was debating with that too. The problem is actually the terrain. It's using Unity terrain engine which is not very optimized for mobile. I was debating whether to just use a mesh but then it looked very "meh".
Unity mentioned they will release an updated terrain system and I was hoping (praying) they would do it in time for this jam, but... my bad. At the end I decided to leave it with lower fps but higher detail because I tested it on a Samsung s6 and it runs hyper fast... and I'm already thinking about the future 🙂
One trick you can do to make it faster is to go into settings/graphics and remove the detailed water. You would get 7 to 15fps in there in exchange for having low detailed water as a plain texture.
05-11-2015 01:15 PM
05-12-2015 03:46 PM
05-13-2015 01:07 AM
05-18-2015 08:29 AM