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[APK Update] Shining Sword Dragoon (from Japan)

Honored Guest ... rd-dragoon

It is my third game title from Oculus Rift DK1.
This game can play only with a head and few tap. If you played BLAST BUSTER(Perilous Dimension), you understand immediately 🙂
And this is very lightweight. You will experience a very comfortable game in Gear VR for Note4.
In a sad thing, I was in bed for high heat with half of Jam. :oops:
Therefore the submit to this forum was late, and working hours have greatly decreased. However, the fun of the game is not changed. Let's play it! 😄

Honored Guest
Looks dynamic and awesome, rukantos! Will check APK soon 😉
Maxim Miheyenko, VR Production. House of Languages: viewtopic.php?f=77&t=22268&start=40

Honored Guest

Thank you! I am happy to have you say that.

Honored Guest
Your audio sounds really weird in the video as if the audio source is not attached to your body. The roaring sound seems to move around depending on which direction you are shooting.

Honored Guest
I did try it and it runs. Good job

Honored Guest
"tlkall" wrote:
Your audio sounds really weird in the video as if the audio source is not attached to your body. The roaring sound seems to move around depending on which direction you are shooting.

I attached roaring sound to each enemies. They are regenerated in stereophonic sound by Oculus Audio SDK. However, volume becomes weird because the audio engine of Unity adds all sound effects.
I review setting of Audio Mixer of Unity by the deadline. Thank you.

Honored Guest
https://vrjam-submissions.s3.amazonaws. ... ragoon.apk

I made fixed sound issue apk! Please try it!

Honored Guest
I submitted final apk!
Please play my spirits! 😄

https://vrjam-submissions.s3.amazonaws. ... ragoon.apk

Honored Guest
My final apk's game mechanics no need your hand tap and gamepad.
You only insert Note4 to GearVR!
It's my 'innovation' design.

Honored Guest
Known Issues
- When you use S6 or Snapdragon Note4 Lolipop, some shader is broken (current Unity/SDK's problem)