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[RELEASE] GIFVR - The www is dead, long live the Palmer!

Honored Guest


Hello gang. Me and my two friends have spent the last 15 years building and running websites and pretending they were places where people get together doing stuff. GIFVR is our first attempt being finally in a place and pretending it is a website.

Implementation is childish, still it's a working VR porting of a regular website. It pulls the gifs from its counterpart in the world wide web,, a toy project we thought was a perfect fit for our first oculus rift adventure.

The vr app is limited to a single room, single player experience, and you have available just few hashtags to choose from.

Also I still have to truly understand how to make move my animals the way I want and not the way someone's else fps controller wants. So I've put your chimp in a sofa and you can't anymore move or jump off a 300mt tower while choosing which room to enter. Quite a move from milestone 2 video:

Why bother anyway, the oculus rift tracks your head movements. Just use your head to change the active hashtag. Your eyes you know how to use them, and it's everything you need to do and know to enjoy the gifs. Character controller and user interface problems, solved all in one.

Minimalism forced by ignorance is still minimalism imho

Take it as a proof of concept. We didn't even managed to make the multiplayer work so far. But we didn't even know what unity (or any other 'game' engine) was until we got our oculus rifts.

I think what we accomplished in three weeks, being three noobs without any real knowledge of the tools involved, is a sign of a bright time to come. While I'm happy secondlife's fans are finally able to enjoy it in VR, I would die inside bleeding virtual blood, If I knew the metverse a lot of us waited quietly for decades to happens, was a four islands thing owned by a single company. It's boring. No far west, land grabbing and epic adventures?

The place we are going, we don't need keyboards (probably) nor a central point of failure (that's for sure). And like what it happened with the www we can build whatever we want and own whatever we built. It's way more fun this way. Millions and millions of GIFVR-like things linking one each other. Please?

You can DOWNLOAD the thing here:

If you like it even if it is broken and I bought my animals in the asset store and not crafted myself, and we wanted it to be a multiplayer experience and instead you are alone but it is not an horror title, there's a chance:

- punk is not dead and the internet like we know now was just an appetizer for the real thing. like the internet, but you are there.

if you don't like it and will take joke of us and the poor implementation:

- we will try again from another perspective. eventually we will convince some of you that it is also supporting stupid little toys like ours that you increase the odds to end up in snow crash. Or strange days. Or whatever it is your thing or kink.

- you will never ever get access to the adult only room, if it exsist. Hater.



GIFVR is an interesting concept, a simple menu to play animated gifs, and some very strange looking characters.
I was unable to move around, but it was ok to just sit there too. The characters and the furniture had a very strange look awell. I look forward to seeing further updates on this. Thanks for making and sharing the demo 🙂

Heroic Explorer
I like this concept a lot actually.
Sure, it's creepy when there's an undead woman and a bear rifting nearby, and that you're one of three monkeys with farm animal pets
. But the GIFs! So great to watch them on a big screen, and to be able to choose whatever category suits you. The music stopped playing after a while, not sure if it's something I did, but it was very quiet after that.
Loved the occasional snowfall, quite unexpected. 🙂 The 2nd GIF in the cartoon category (the long black-and-white one) was hilarious,
and I was enthralled the experience of watching that in this big room the whole time.

I imagine that if one were able to customize the categories, customize all the GIFs, customize the other Rifting characters, etc, it would be an interesting form of self-expression -- "these are the topics and particular GIFs that appeal to me" etc.

Nice work. 🙂
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