05-04-2015 09:13 AM
05-12-2015 07:32 AM
05-12-2015 09:56 AM
05-12-2015 11:40 AM
"Svenviking" wrote:
I hope to release a Rift version before too long, though I'm not sure whether to release it as-is or try to finish some of the things we ran out of time for, first.
05-12-2015 11:35 PM
05-13-2015 04:29 PM
05-13-2015 11:38 PM
05-13-2015 11:50 PM
05-14-2015 01:16 AM
"Svenviking" wrote:
Thanks! Out of interest, what form would you most like or expect the written instructions to take?
05-14-2015 04:08 AM