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[Silver] Scorched Battalion - new APK + DK2 Win/Mac/Linux+S6

Expert Protege
Update: v0.6 APK download (now works on S6). DK2 versions for Windows, Mac and Linux (Mac version untested).


Scorched Battalion is a comical turn-based strategy game in the tradition of classic artillery games, but with tiny tanks fighting on a wargaming table. It uses randomly-generated maps with deformable terrain, and features work by voice actors including Richard Newman (Street Fighter, Dragonball Z etc.) Plus some surprises.

Scorched Battalion - VR Jam edition available for Gear VR and DK2 (Win/Mac/Linux) Jungle Juice Sven Co-op

Wow, not what I thought it was at first at all.
VO and animations are funny as hell.
The room feels a bit small though like the door is 60 cm high and I'm a tiny toddler (which actually might be the case given these are tabletop toy tanks)

Really well done, looking forward to the full version.

Expert Protege
Thanks very much! I'm looking forward to hopefully making a full version, also.

About scale: I had some difficulty deciding on how to handle the camera height. The trouble is, the camera needs to be fairly high and close to the table to give you a good view of the battlefield. Moving the table too low or close made it feel like your knees should be clipping through it, and sometimes affected the perception of scale in itself since you generally expect a table to be a certain height. The second problem is that if things are positioned well for seated play, everything looks huge when you play standing up. Also note that the Gear VR has no player height or IPD settings, so there's some variation between players.

With some more time for experimentation I expect it could be further improved. Positional tracking would also largely solve both problems, since you'd be able to lean to see around hills and the game would know if you stood up.

I guess I'll take this chance to post the newer video, by the way. The second half contains some pretty major spoilers, though (and it's missing some things that were added in a mad panic in the hours before the deadline). I strongly recommend that people just try the game for themselves, if possible -- it only lasts about twice as long as the video. I hope to release a Rift version before too long, though I'm not sure whether to release it as-is or try to finish some of the things we ran out of time for, first.

Scorched Battalion - VR Jam edition available for Gear VR and DK2 (Win/Mac/Linux) Jungle Juice Sven Co-op

"Svenviking" wrote:
I hope to release a Rift version before too long, though I'm not sure whether to release it as-is or try to finish some of the things we ran out of time for, first.

I'd release it right away as it's pretty damn good already and would get more people interested without Gear VRs.

Expert Protege
Yeah, that sounds like good advice. I'll see if I can get a few of the more important missing sound effects in, do some testing and maybe release it tonight if things go well.
Scorched Battalion - VR Jam edition available for Gear VR and DK2 (Win/Mac/Linux) Jungle Juice Sven Co-op

Honored Guest
Very tight gameplay, and nice animations/flow. I'd like text instructions as well as vocal ones (visual learner). I also thought the launch VOs were a bit long, and I didn't really understand the context at first (I think the tanks were talking to each other?). Adding a character avatar near the tank when they're speaking might clear that up.
Galaxy Grapple - GearVR, no gamepad

Expert Protege
Thanks! Out of interest, what form would you most like or expect the written instructions to take? E.g. floating subtitles, a way to display them on the clipboard, or a readme or manual outside of the game? The poster on the far wall provides a few limited context-sensitive text tips, by the way.

Yeah, the tanks are pretty-much always talking :). Our intention was to keep all the UI in-world (beams of light notwithstanding) and take advantage of spatialised audio to allow people to tell who was speaking. There's also a visual effect for speakers, though it's pretty subtle, and they often move their turrets. In a future version I'd like to move the turrets in sync with the amplitude of the voice sample, similar to fake lip-syncing in games like Half-Life.
Scorched Battalion - VR Jam edition available for Gear VR and DK2 (Win/Mac/Linux) Jungle Juice Sven Co-op

This looks very nice, well done!
Big PC, all the headsets, now using Quest 3

"Svenviking" wrote:
Thanks! Out of interest, what form would you most like or expect the written instructions to take?

Maybe speech bubbles would pop out of the tanks that are talking with the option to turn them off.

Expert Protege
Yeah, that's probably a good idea. I was actually intending to use something like that without voicing, when first planning the game, but then my brother managed to get hold of some pretty impressive voice actors.

Just about to upload the DK2 version.
Scorched Battalion - VR Jam edition available for Gear VR and DK2 (Win/Mac/Linux) Jungle Juice Sven Co-op