[APK] Androids Dream
APK is here, it's a VRJam edition, some stuffs to improve/add/fix for the final version for the store http://challengepost.com/software/androids-dreamDo not hesitate to make feedback :roll:
APK is here, it's a VRJam edition, some stuffs to improve/add/fix for the final version for the store http://challengepost.com/software/androids-dreamDo not hesitate to make feedback :roll:
I'm gonna try to keep this short. I recently posted this to /r/oculus and was informed that it would definitely land better here. Please, please, PLEASE consider releasing builds of your apps for other android phones after the Jam is over. I use an L...
Hi all,My Note 4 upgraded itself to 5.0.1 (Lollipop)... The already installed test builds of my app still run fine (thank god), but I can't seem to install any more APKs now. It always says "Unfortunately, Package Access Helper has stopped."Anyone el...
Thrilled to be a finalist! Congrats to all that made it and my sympathy to those fantastic entries that didn't.New Game Modes, Level Dynamics, Improved Multi-player, and Maps are in the works. New Maps being added include: The Gutter, The Grotto, The...
Man Overboard:Apk download:https://vrjam-submissions.s3.amazonaws.com/signed/4355f408bc9b/DwOPROUwRmGtliMKemIk_ManOverboard.apkCheers!---------------------------Become a human cannonball to collect treasure before your ammo runs out!Hi guys, I just w...
Tactera is a simple RTS that takes place on a virtual holographic tabletop. It's basically a love letter to the original Command & Conquer. Contest page: http://challengepost.com/software/tacteraIf you get a chance to try it out, please let me know...
my first build here:https://vrjam.challengepost.com/submiss ... pi-fighterhope it works! now for sleep.
Hello fellows,I need help.After downloading the Config util and the zipped programmes, for the fist time in my PC, I receive a msg saying: Oculus cannot be inicialized.After many attempts, I cant solve the problem.Waiting for help. please !Tania
_________________________________________________________________________________________________Presents:___________________________________________________________________________Updated playable game available!!!DOWNLOAD GAME HERE!!PhaseShift is a...
Hello everyone! We are a 4 people team from Agharta Studio and Blackmuffin, we worked on EpicDragon VR for 2013's VR Jam.Our game is called SteamCrew VR and it offers players to play as treasure hunters Captain' Karkass and Ida Steele, crew of pirate...
Update: v0.6 APK download (now works on S6). DK2 versions for Windows, Mac and Linux (Mac version untested).---Scorched Battalion is a comical turn-based strategy game in the tradition of classic artillery games, but with tiny tanks fighting on a war...
I swear I thought the announcement date was June 3rd (at least I told the whole world that date). But today it shows as June 4th.Was it moved? I don't see any announcement or anything explaining so. Just wondering if I took too much caffeine and it w...
Anyone done this yet? I recall there's been an effort to combine the Mobile SDK with the DK2, but does that mean also there's a way to maintain the same project and scene files.. Currently using the OVRCameraController..
Before the final results out, want to share some lesson we learned from developing StarTracker VR.StarTracker is a mobile planetarium is designed for astronomy fans to explore the universe. Already on iOS, Android and BlackBerry 10.We're new to VR bu...
Hey everyone, Has anyone been able to sign new builds lately? I'm getting a message saying my account doesn't have access, but that certainly wasn't the case a few weeks ago.
Didn't want to cross post and so check out this post for full details:viewtopic.php?f=26&t=23879Any testers with a DK2 it would be great if you could download my DK2 beta and test it out for me. Thanks!
Hello everyone!We've received a lot of questions about sharing your builds for you Mobile VR Jam submissions with others so they can give them a try. Please follow these steps to share your build:1. Go to the Global Signing Tool and get a globally si...
Hi, fellow developers. We are TVR, a small game studio dedicated to virtual reality. We are also one of those entrants for this year’s VR Mobile Jam. Last year we’ve made our own VR experience, Jiawu, which utilized a DK2 and a Razer Hydra. Here’s is...
I'm really pleased that my entry for the Jam got through to the finals:The Curator's Mini-Museum of Natural HistoryHowever, I know that my submitted APK will not start up on a Snapdragon Note 4 with Lollipop and it'll just black screen. This is becau...
-------------------------------========= DOWNLOAD THE APK =========-------------------------------Hi everyone!My name is Thomas Papa, I'm a game developer from the Netherlands, operating under the name of Mimicry Games. I've worked on a bunch of VR p...
A Jet-Pack Based Multiplayer First-Person ShooterThe conceptThere are some good games and experiences for the DK2 and GearVR, but when I first heard of the Oculus Rift, I thought of my favorite genre as a PC gamer, the first-person shooter.HL2 and TF...
Just a reminder. Hopefully things like the "Great APK Bundle" will preserve most downloads, but if there was something you'd been planning to grab, this might be a good time.
We had the opportunity to show Day of Destruction to hundreds of gamers at Denver Comic Con 2015. The first thing every player said when they put on the headset is "WOW!" Watch these videos of player as they twist and turn to play our game:The only w...
Hey Guys! Interesting your opinion. What most beautiful VR Project that you ever see on VR Jam 2015? Something likes "WoW, OMG!"My top 5: Colosse TECHNOLUST: THOUGHT CRIMES SteamCrew VR DMZ DRIFT Special from me. Most simple & cute: Wendy
https://www.oculus.com/blog/announcing- ... al-vision/So what will this be used for? Controllerless tracking? Maybe you can pick up a foam sword from your table and use it as the input tracking for your game?I can also see this as a form of inside-ou...
Hi all,Keith "blitter" Kaisershot here (the VRTron guy). I am the programmer on a VR Jam experience called InnovoxVR, with Elizabeth Zharoff in charge of audio and Samuel Hum as the artist. In these last few hours before voting ends, it occurred to u...
Hi folks, ive finally got round to playing through some truly great games the past couple of weeks, and indeed it was hard to choose my favs here are my thoughts of my favourite 18 games http://gearvrreviews.blogspot.com/2015/05/gearvr-jam-2015-app...
WHAT IS IT?A revolutionary app that gives you an opportunity to paint without hands. Have you ever tried to draw by just moving your head?«VIRTUAL HANDS: VirtPaint» - new trend in creation & painting, within a beautiful and meditative virtual environ...
Hey everyone! Really pleased to share with you our effort for the Jam, Private Eye. It's a mystery, whodunnit game. Here's a trailer:Have just finished writing up a blog post about the incredibly hectic development process, if you're interested you c...
Hi all!We’re pleased to announce your judge panel for the Mobile VR Jam 2015 finalists! We’ve selected a world-class set of VR and game industry veterans with a passion for virtual reality and its community. We’re pleased to introduce...Palmer Luckey...