I realize it wound give me a smaller FOV ..but I would prefer not to see the overlap. http://vrguy.blogspot.com/2013/05/what-is-binocular-overlap-and-why.html
i7 skylake, EVGA Classified, 2 EVGA 980 sc's, Thermaltake TR2 RX(1000W), 32GB DDR4, Win 10 on an SSD
I believe the overlap is a property of the hardware. I don't think changing this in software would work correct, and (even if you somehow did it) it'd likely be very uncomfortable. Plus, you'd lose stereo, which is a pretty big part of the experience.
I'm saying I only want stereo vision. I know the overlap is due to the lenses being angled slightly, but if I could code the outer edges to be black ..it would solve my issue of seeing image in one eye and black in the other. If no one knows of a way to do that, I wonder if modding the hmd lenses to be aimed straight at the displays would fix it ..or would the barrel distortion then be incorrect?
i7 skylake, EVGA Classified, 2 EVGA 980 sc's, Thermaltake TR2 RX(1000W), 32GB DDR4, Win 10 on an SSD
I'm not explaining well. What I'm talking about is when you look to your far left or right with only your eyes. 25% of your fov will be image in one eye and black in the other. Well, I have strange eyes and am able to see the overlap trick even when looking straight ahead on lighter virtual scenes. The link I posted above has a hmd at the bottom that has a custom lever that removes overlap.
i7 skylake, EVGA Classified, 2 EVGA 980 sc's, Thermaltake TR2 RX(1000W), 32GB DDR4, Win 10 on an SSD