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Forum Posts

Welcome to the Meta Developer Forum!

Welcome to the Meta Developer Forum! This is a community-driven space where you can share insights, ask questions, and address challenges with fellow developers. Our goal is to create a supportive and respectful environment where everyone can learn f...

Textures Unexpectedly Downsized on Quest 2

Background: I have a material that uses an 8K x 4K texture like a cubemap using the LongLatToUV node in UE5.1. There is a user-controlled surveillance camera in a static environment, and rather than render a virtual camera into a render target to dis...

RM1181 by Protege
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SharedSpaces project not compiling (unreal 5.1)

Hi Everyone, I followed this lovely guide by @ysquall to setup the shared spaces plugins in my project https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mb1YBlNyfjJ94gCY0rIi364pBIvkPko0rjiDumEcKto/editHowever when I build my project I get this error"Could not find...

walabulu4 by Honored Guest
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Hand Tracking with PC build (using Link cable)

Does anyone know how to implement Hand Tracking on the PC using the link cable?A solution must be pretty close, it’s easy to play with the Hand Tracking features in the editor via the VR Preview, but when packaging the project to Windows and playing ...

Connect Wwise to Quest 2 game?

Hi, We've got a UE4.26 game up and running on the Quest 2 with Wwise 2021.1. All the audio is working fine but we can't seem to get Wwise to connect to the game running on the Q2. It can connect just fine when running inside the editor on PC. Has any...

sackbut by Honored Guest
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