I modified the Roll-a-Ball tutorial to take touch pad input instead of
controller input by changing these lines:float moveHorizontal =
Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal"); float moveVertical = Input.GetAxis
("Vertical");to this:float moveHorizontal = Input....
Hi folks,I posted this on Stackoverflow but hopefully someone here can
tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to teach myself some basic Gear
VR programming and have been trying to extend the Roll-a-Ball tutorial
to include a timer and allow the us...
"fredvicentin" wrote:I found the problem, unity 5.1 is not working the
touchpad. I usedunity 4.6 and it worksInteresting.I'm stuck on 4.6 due
to my ancient Macbook Pro but will be upgrading in the next month or two
so this is good to know, thanks.Rob...
@oina:I know this is an old question but I have just stumbled across it
and have a similar issue. I can detect swipes with:float moveHorizontal
=Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");float moveVertical =Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");
Vector3 movement = new Vector3 (mo...
People are working on software for Gear VR but it's very much a niche so
I don't expect there to be an avalanche of new content any time soon.I'm
even tinkering on a little game myself but given limitations in both my
skills and available time I doub...