since ‎07-20-2015

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  • 90 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
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  • 27 Kudos received

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If you are seeing the error "Could not create test write file for Pictures at 'C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Pictures\Quill\quillDummyFile.txt' Please navigate to C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\ and make sure that the Pictures folder exists. If not - create it. Insid...
We've recently found that some Windows N users are having trouble starting Quill. It seems to be related to a missing DLL related to Windows Media Player not being installed. To fix this issue, download and install the following update:https://www.mi...
Have a problem in Quill? Follow along!1. Make sure you have the latest video drivers. Quill uses some brand new features that might not be in older drivers.2. Go into your C:\Users\YOURWINDOWSUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Quill folder and zip up everything ...
Since we've gotten this question a few times - here's the button to make Quill left handed. Open Menu-->Settings button-->Poke Left handed and Poke SAVE at the bottom.
I wanted to welcome you to the Quill section of the forums. We (the Quill team) needed a good organized way to interface with the community and get bug reports, see art, and generally get feedback about what we're doing. Quill is constantly changing ...
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