Anyone more tech savvy than me know about any particular method or
prerequisites to be able to view SBS content properly in fullscreen on
the CV1 when it is set as an extended display? Straight outtta the box
and into extended mode and using it's def...
What are the available options? does anyone know of any apps that
support the Oculus properly? All i could find was StreetViewVR which is
a developmental app, which doesn't work properly from what i could tell,
are there any solid alternatives that w...
Has anyone ultimately ascertained wether this works or not? The general
consensus seems to be that it doesn't do anything, and i haven't noticed
it working eitherThoughts?
Okay, heres an easier question, how did owners of the DK1, DK2 view SBS
content on the desktop with the display as extended? Did it just work by
default or was there a particular display configuration that had to be
followed? Obviously the display ha...
Personally i think it is a much better option than doing
to mention much better performance and less taxing on hardwareMostly
because it is a direct raw vi...
Just tested this in Win 10 also, and can confirm that this method does
not work at all when you run the command line switch, it just beeps and
detects the display, but no additional display shows up
Tridef, Vorpx and Reshade can all do a similar
Life 2 Cinematic mod is AWESOME with Vorpx