I need to package a build for the oculus quest and I can't seem to find
any documentation on either the Oculus site or the UE4 documentation
site. Does anyone know of any good reference docs for packaging a build
for Oculus Quest, or have a good pack...
Wow, I'm a noob. I just discovered that Oculus Touch controllers have
capacitive touch on most of the buttons... So *thats* how "finger
tracking" works. I'm using UE4, so you Unity devs may have slightly
different results. But here's my notes on how ...
I'm building a room scale VR game where people stand and move around in
the play space. I have the Oculus Touch controllers and two cameras. The
cameras are mounted on either side of my desk, with about 5 feet of
distance between them. The cameras ar...
I'm building a room scale VR game where people stand and move around in
the play space. I have the Oculus Touch controllers and two cameras. The
cameras are mounted on either side of my desk, with about 5 feet of
distance between them. The cameras ar...
Tonight I went to a VR meetup and I brought along my DK2 and plugged it
into a provided PC. For some reason, I couldn't get the Oculus Rift to
work properly. The computer was a windows 10 PC with an ATI Firepro 9100
video card ($3000 on Newegg!!). Th...
This is fascinating. So, you lost inside out tracking when you switched
between incandescent lights and fluorescent lights? Was there a big
difference in levels of light intensity in the room between the two
light sources? Is this something reproduci...
I think 80% of your requests are out of the hands of game developers. We
don't have any control over hardware features.Also, for point #4: We
*must* hit 90 frames per second. If we miss it, people get motion sick
and our games get rejected from app s...
I think you could probably help SLAM by putting more visually distinct
markers onto the floor of your warehouse. You should also consider the
intensity of any lighting -- it may over saturate the camera sensors and
lower the reliability of the SLAM a...
Okay, a couple points to note:1) The VR template which comes out of the
box with UE4 was designed by Epic and they wanted it to be broad and
simple enough that anyone could use it in a project.2) Templates are a
*starting point*, not a full fledged s...
Not exactly VR related, but if you're still running Win7, you should
really consider upgrading to Win10. Win10 has support for DirectX 12,
Win7 does not. In the near future, a lot of games are going to be built
to use DirectX12 features, so Win7 game...