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since ‎06-18-2015

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so. last time I came here all that happened was people yelling at me for trying to run an oculus on my laptop even though I had already informed them that it worked weather they thought it would or not, ergo I'm hoping that I'll actually get some hel...
Aaaaaaalrighty then, since my last discussion was a disappointing train wreck, I'll fix it here; I'm getting a desktop and I need help tweaking it so I get the best bang for my buck; http://www.cyberpowerpc.com/saved/1HX6YWOh, something else I should...
so the first question is kinda simple, could maybe a mod or dev or someone smarter than average tell me how good these laptops (I know desktops are undeniably better, but the gaming parties are never here) would be for an oculus DK2 (maybe eventually...
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