I waited a while hoping to avoid the high initial prices and all the
bugs and whatnot. I think I picked a good time to get in with the S7 and
the gear vr which was $100 (in Canada). I was long overdue for a new
phone anyway. I was hoping I might get ...
It's kind of tough to find a reliable answer to this online. What I want
to know is can I watch a POV video that I've shot myself on the Gear VR
and get rid of the theater environment and just stretch the screen into
a full field of vision? Suppose I...
I'm talking about regular 2d videos shot as POV's . For instance this
one shot on a roller coaster
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_lcZcBcQ0oIt looks to me like the gear
vr doesn't go to any great lengths to try and make people feel immersed
in a vi...
When will they make a theater within the gear vr dedicated to watching
2d pov movies for people who wish to ditch the theater and head tracking
and simply watch a POV video with a screen that encompasses the entire
filed of view? If I wore a cam two ...