I have a Quest. So far so good. With PokerStars the game crashes all the
time . Sick of it already. It's almost always at the worst time. I've
tried lowering my chip stack, tied ear buds, lower the volume,
uninstalling .....nothing helps. After 30 mi...
Go into OculusDebugTool.exe.Change Encode Res width to I believe was
2784 or below.. Then restart the quest and everything should work. You
can not set that number any higher
I had the same problem. You need to go into the exe file for the Oculus
and change the last number to 2374 I believe. I'm away from my computer
but will post details when I get back. Simple fix that should work
I have a Quest so can't comment on the Rift s but from what I've read,
the Rift is lighter on the head but the quest has a little better
graphics. They both can play the same games on a PC.As for your PC, it
will run either headset just don't expect ...