We occasionally see errors like the following:Oculus Platform error (1):
OVR76444553These are usually due to network/firewall or entitlement
issues. To better help users who might encounter issues (esp. during
beta testing), could we get more informa...
First, I'm using Unity 2017.2.0f3 with the latest Oculus Integration
package from the asset store.I'd like to try recording something with
Oculus Avatars and play it back later, but I want the avatar's look to
stay what it was at that point in time, ...
I'm running into a strange crash in an app that's targeting Gear VR as
well as Cardboard, but only seems to be happening in the Gear VR
version. I'm running Unity 5.3.5f1 with Oculus Utilities for Unity
1.3.2.Here's the code that seems to be causing ...
Even with Unity Pro and Show Splash Screen disabled, Unity shows an app
splash image before loading our loading scene for 4-5 seconds. That time
didn't really go down when we stripped our loading scene down to almost
I believe we're experiencing the same thing, using both Unity 2017.2.0p4
and 2017.3.1p1. I've turned everything off in our loader and it's still
taking 4.6-5.5 seconds.
@tnovak any ideas on what else we can try to troubleshoot why we don't
seem to be receiving voice data?I can confirm the connection is
established, and we're setting voip.senderID and voip.enabled=true, but
the audio source never starts playing unles...
I don't have a simpler test case created yet, but I think we've made
some progress. The data we're getting from
Voip.SetMicrophoneFilterCallback() is non-zero and coming out like
this:Length: 480, -12, -10, -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -3, -3, -2, -1, 0, 0,
Upgraded to Platform SDK 1.9, no change. Lots of Voip starved and
manually calling GetPCMFloat is all zeroes.Oh, and there are no other
audio filters on the component. I've tried with the ONSP Audio Source
component attached and without it too.