since ‎09-26-2015

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Apparently some dude on Reddit found an easy way to switch between RT0.5 and the last one. https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comment ... 07_and_05/I haven't tried yet but it sounds pretty nice. All those demos coming back from the pre-0.7 pitt !
Hi, I got a DK2 a few months ago and I am no developer. However, as CV1 release gets closer and closer, I think there are still some problems that really need to be fixed ASAP. We won't be talking here about hardware limitations (that cannot, and/or ...
Hello. For some unknown reason, I am unable to set my profile informations. In User Control Panel, Profile, Edit Profile, I fill in the blanks and hit Submit but it seems to do nothing. There is still no location under my avatar and if I go again to ...
Hi, Being an optician, I'm quite interested in optical stuff. Being a gamer, I'm quite interested in VR. And now I'm also a DK2 owner. (it apparently had to happen)Since a long time I wondered what the DK2 lenses optical power was. By roughly measuri...
Hi there. I received my OR DK2 a few days ago and I am somehow confused about resolution. At least half of the demos I tried so far allows you to choose which resolution you want to render the demo in. It confuses me a little. I know what the DK2 scr...
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