If you automate parameters like xpos or ypos in the VST, they won't
update when played back unless you force it to refresh by clicking an
element in the VST. It updates in the HMD just fine so it's not broken
or anything, just not updating for whatev...
First of, I just want to mention that I've been having a lot of fun with
designing in the Spatializer. I could do it for hours. And support for
Reaper has been markedly improved,so thank you! (Though I would be
remiss if I didn't mention that it seem...
When attempting to scan for the OculusSpatializer.dll file, Reaper
(Reaper v5.40, 64bit) reports back the following error: "Cannot load
Win7 shader compiler"By clicking "OK" the Oculus App opens, and then
Reaper crashes.The plugin is located on my D ...
Hey @imperativity, I'm still having this issue in Reaper as of
12/4/2018. I completely forgot about the fact that I asked this question
back in April - any chance you could ping the dev team to see if there's
any fix in the works for this? I'm curren...
ah, yeah, that was precisely why I had asked - stretchign ambisonics
in-engine felt like a cool idea but it broke down really quickly because
of artifacting. There's ways around it so c'est la vie - but thank you
for the answers!
Gotcha! Thanks, @imperativity! I'll give that a shot in Reaper and see
if your advice here helps. Hadn't seen that before!Any word on what
format is being output when I'm saving a new file from the plugin?