AdbC99, I'm not sure what you mean when you refer to VOIP manager or P2P
manager. Is that something from one of the samples? In my experience,
when something is referred to as a manager its intended to function as a
singleton. I'm not sure if we've r...
Great. There are a couple of Unity samples in the SDK that use P2P
networking. The VrVoiceChat sample uses P2P networking to send head
transforms. The VrHoops sample uses P2P networking to send projectile
transforms. Are they more in line with what y...
Hey Gemisis. I think the basic problem is that you are calling the API
too often. Each call initiates a web request to update the datastore in
the Service. The API itself doesn't make an attempt to coalesce a bunch
of updates, or even validate that t...
adamsmith,It sounds like you are looking for the list of achievements
that are available, even if the user has made no progress towards them.
In that case, you should should compile that list into your executable
since it is known ahead of time. The ...