VRscript.apk was demoed in John's Live Coding
video.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydyztGZnbNsAfter speaking with
TheTwistgibber on Reddit (Very fast response time) The answer is that
they are still Ironing out a release time. Like most things, the ...
Agree with both of you unfortunately bad news.I'm being told it's been
put on the back burner due to internal debates.We won't know when it
will be released if ever. Crossed fingers.I might try to work with
people on a seperate solution that fits my ...
Other than how they handled shipping (Charging my account, uncharging
then charging) I think the GearVr is pretty great. Low cost.If it
becomes a platform for bloated advertisements (and reduced sharing of
content you already own) then everything wil...
I think eventually there will be a prefab or API for adding social to an
app.There has been a lot of talk about card games or board games or
social arcade.Everyone in Oculus Social also wants a way to manage
friends list or see who's online.People al...
Here are some reasons why the Gear VR is "worth" it.Some people are
paying $500 for the Rift DK2. You can get a used s6 for $300-400 and
then the headset is $100 accessory or a payment plan through At&T
etc.The GearVr is really cool.My favorite thing...