Can someone at oculus please explain why people who ordered a PC bundled
with rift LAST WEEK, are already having their rifts ship, while 85% or
preorders have to wait until at least June?Also: fuck you
Just played a match of the beta and its surprisingly fun. The only thing
is theres no weapon pickups just loadouts and you start with a full
clip. So its more like rocket arena I guess. Very noob friendly. Plays
like quake3
I'm looking at you through the glassDon't know how much time has
passedOh God, it feels like foreverBut no one ever tells you that
forever feels like homeSitting all alone inside your headHow do you
feel? That is the questionBut I forget, you don't e...
The thought occurred to me the other day that it is not outside the
realm of possibility that there is much internal strife going on at
oculus with respect to the Facebook merger and related staff morale. Is
it possible that a good amount of staff at...
Right now I have a couple title I already paid full price for in steam,
such as project cars and ets2. Are people in this situation ( of which I
would imagine there are tons) going to get a way to have these games in
home? I sure as hell ain't buying...