Ok, seemingly this has happened during the night while the fairies were
messing with my Rift, but suddenly and for no apparent reason I now have
two permanent faintly coloured lines on the right lens, the colour seems
to partially match whatever back...
Just noticed this on the store, seems to have come out of nowhere with
little to no marketing from Oculus. Only £5.99 and all the user reviews
are 5/5! A long game too,
Title says it all really, just tried it and it works just fine. Just be
aware that after you launch the shortcut you'll be in an empty white
room, press the menu button on the left Touch controller (or select
button on Xbox controller) to bring up th...
Couldn't find any threads about this so just thought I'd give the heads
up on this game, it's on Steam but what's nice is that it actually has a
demo, which I just played and really enjoyed it. I gather the full game
only lasts about 3-4 hours but it...
Noticed lately that I keep seeing very small amounts of stutter - not
sure how else to describe it, it's not constant but pretty regular.
Happens in Home and most games. Also noticed that the sensor seems to
get quite hot, this doesn't seem right to ...
Sadly this is the society we live in now, any precious snowflake can
call "the police" and they'll be on you like a shot. No reasons given,
no names, you're guilty until proven innocent, just because of someone's
'perceived' offence.
Played and completed this at launch and thought it was great. Just tried
the VR update and I have to say I am very impressed, this is how you do
VR. Genuinely makes me want to play the whole game again.
I bought the game ages ago when in early access, never really liked it
but thought I'd try the VR mode. Doesn't even work, the game freezes on
the loading screen every single time.