Dear Oculus support team,since I installed 1.8 debug tool version for
the first time, i was never able to use the tool. Even now with the
upgrade to 1.11 version. It always gives "Unable to connect to service,
or an HMD isn't connected".Could you ple...
Dear Oculus Support Team,I am using Power DVD 17 to watch movies with
the rift. It works pretty well but I want to put to your attention the
folowing suggestions:- while playing the movie with the rift, the screen
is surrounded by a blu colour, it wo...
Hello! I am in the alien ship trying to activate the generator to awake
the crew of Apollo. I have found two batteries but I cannot find the
third one. Help please....
Hello, I am trying to assemble the labour units at the dig site.But I
don't know how to take off the parts. I can't grab legs and arms.Help
Hello everybody.I'd like to post here the PC configuration and the
results obtained with VR Mark orange room.It would like to compare the
score of a particular pc configuration in VR Mark Orange room, and if
you are encountering issues with some vied...
Hello,just to say that Virtual Desktop cannot open a blu ray disk. You
get a balck screen and you can only hear the audio.I have also tested
the beta version of Rift Core 2. It is a very nice tool, there is a
desktop mode function and you can zoom ou...
I have just tried Virtual desktop, from the oculus store. It works
great.You can set the screen as you prefer and you can choose between
different environments, including the home theater which is great, you
are in a virtual cinema and the result is ...
well, I bought power dvd to play bluray disks. The software is very well
done and has a specific interface for the visor.Vlc was not working
properly while playing the bluray disks and i had some issues decoding
the latest dts audio formats.
jh4db536 said: Yeah USB drive would work just as well, just not network
drives...which is odd because i rip and encode all the time across
network drives and it performs great. i'm not fond of the restriction,
which i think is on oculus program end.O...
jh4db536 said: PowerDVD17 Ultra works great...with a few
caveats*Bigscreen doesnt work good with it see below***HMD/HDCP
compliance issues***pretty much need to rip things to break copy
protection or itll fail to open VR - basically you cant play a b...