Just curious if Oculus will ever share these theaters, or if we must
create our own if we want to have any besides Home and Void.I was a bit
disappointed when the 1.0 Mobile SDK came out and it did not include the
fbx/ovrscenes for these additional t...
I was able to solve this problem where my Alienware 15 needed to
negotiate between a Graphics Amplifier / GTX 980Ti and Integrated
Graphics by doing the following:1. NVIDIA Control Panel2. Manage 3D
Settings3. Global Settings -> Preferred graphics pr...
Sounds like that's GearVR framework, not the Oculus SDK. You should ask
over at the GearVR framework mailing
I'm wondering - where do you mean these incremental updates are pushed
to? The SDK downloads section is always at do we access these
minor updates?
Ok I've figured this out by extending the JNI interface up to
MainActivity.java.stomprocket are you using Unity or Native? If it's
Native I can show you how to do it.