The last couple of weeks oculus home is starting itself up.. sometimes i
can see in device settings that one of the touch controller is on.. i
thought that was causing it.. but even if the touch controllers are in
standby..the problem occurs..i have ...
after owning a rift from day one.. When it works , i really love it..bUt
so much troubles from the start.. mostly sensor or hmd tracking
problems..i was fine Now for a couple of months.. until touch came in,
and the 3rd sensor.. and everything starte...
For the people who is having issiues with 5M long extension cables..
after trying some here in the netherlands..all cables did not work..i
ordered the active ones by cable matters,and they work perfectly..
I just played my first hour in superhot,with the touch controllers..What
an AMAZING experience!! Only i cant find any settings for picture
quality etc..And i also have blue lines on my guns.. they look a bit
like the boundary lines set by the guardia...
I had some troubles with regular extention cables of good quality..they
are normal ones..not active ones.. i live in the netherlands and the
recommended cable matters active ones of 5M are hard to get.. but i
orderd them now throug amazon.. a bit exp...
dburne said: MrPark94 said: dburne said: MrPark94 said: Thanks all ! i
did what you told me and it worked! the only thing is, now and then one
sensor disconnects and connects again.. you hear the sound in
windows.that didnt occur in previous updates....
dburne said: MrPark94 said: Thanks all ! i did what you told me and it
worked! the only thing is, now and then one sensor disconnects and
connects again.. you hear the sound in windows.that didnt occur in
previous updates.. i only got an out of sync ...
phoenixdigital said: MrPark94 said:when i run a full set up.. and when i
come to the point with the calibration of the touch controllers.the
program asks me,to put one touch controller at eye level,but no matter
what i do.. it cant find the touch con...
Kano_Connor said: MrPark94 said: I did some testing today.. and so far good.. the height glitch is gone.. no more stuttering etc.i only
have one problem.. i had this from the update before this,and i hoped
this updat resolved it..when i run a fu...