Developer has added touch support and 180deg forward facing playing
ability for those of us with just 2 sensors. If you want an actual
boxing game and a bloody good work out I'd recommend it. Its a solo
developer so a bit rough n ready but for only £...,
a link to one. Looks like it runs most driving games and xplane, war
thunder and no limits roller coaster. If you were to get one you
definitely want the flow str...
I have a variable wind set up for my driving rig. Runs off an arduino
with telemetry from iracing. I cobbled mine together but there are
people on iracing that sell them already made. The game needs to output
the speed telemetry for it to work so rea...
I had a request for measurements for my gun stock so I'm posting my
reply here for anyone else interested.I shortened the front mount holder
from my previous picture as it was pushing the gun up at the front in
game.The measurements are to the collar...