Fireworks Visualizer to your own Music! Light In the Night.Updated Demo:
6-26-2014Ported the project to the iPhone and added Augmented reality.
Its a free download. You pick a song on your iPod and it blasts the
fireworks to the beat in the world usi...
I have always been amused by VR and Biofeedback. I finally have a chance
to do some R&D with Unity, the Oculus Rift, and the Mio Alpha Watch.The
Mio Alpha Watch is 99% accurate non invasive heart rate monitor. It
works on bluetooth low energy. I was ...
Updated Demo: 6-26-2014Ported the project to the iPhone and added
Augmented reality. Its a free download. You pick a song on your iPod and
it blasts the fireworks to the beat in the world using more augmented
reality than virtual reality with the bac...
Wow.All great advice. I was side tracked by another project. However I
am going to work on getting a city scape into this to show a sense of
size/depth. More to come.- Matt