Haha yeah, there are arguments both ways bud. This may increase VRs
awareness of the general public and promote more competition yeilding
better products. So there are many more who will benefit from this. You
just have to stand in a developers shoes...
Oculus I invested in you, believed in you, and even defended you (above
and elsewhere). I told everyone one that you guys were different and
believed every word you said (no buyouts). You guys were once pure with
one goal in mind, developing the best...
Whoah guys don't get too upset just yet. I am itching for the same and I
can understand the frustration levels building. There are a lot of
factors at play here including that other players are starting to get
involved so timing becomes very importan...
Hi All,I am really interested in pursuing this acceleration data. I work
in a gait lab and have worked with accelerometers a lot. I was wondering
if anyone has successfully utilized oculus's accelerometer to control
the position of a character rather...